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বাংলাদেশ থেকে ভেরিফাই পেপাল অ্যাকাউন্ট করে টাকা আনার সহজ উপায় ও সাথে নিন ফ্রী মাস্টার কার্ড এবং আমেরিকার একটি ভার্চুয়াল ব্যাংক অ্যাকাউন্ট !!!

একটি Verifyed পেপাল Account থাকা যে কত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ তা বলার অপেক্ষা রাখে না। আজকে এই লেখাটির মাধ্যমে বাংলাদেশ থেকে একটি পেপাল Account তৈরী, Verify করার নিয়ম এবং পেপালের ডলার কিভাবে মাস্টার কার্ড এর মাধ্যমে উত্তোলন করার সর্বউত্তম উপায় নিয়ে বিস্তারিত আলোচনা করব। আসুন ধাপে ধাপে বিষয় গুলো আলোচনা করা যাক।

এই পোস্টে যেই বিষয় গুলো আলোচনা করা হবেঃ

  • একটি USA Verifyed Paypal Account করার উপায়।
  • একটি ফ্রী Payoneer এর Mastercard পাওয়ার উপায়।
  • US Virtual ব্যাংক এর মাধ্যমে পেপাল verifyed করার উপায়।
  • পেপাল এ payoneer এর mastercard যোগ করার নিয়ম।
  • Paypal এর ডলার Payoneer এর Mastercard এ নিয়ে আসার উপায়।
  • Paypal এর অ্যাকাউন্ট Personal থেকে Premiere এ Upgrade করার উপায়। ।
  • পেপাল নিয়ে আরও কিছু দিক নির্দেশনা।

প্রয়োজনীয় উপকরন এবং খরচঃ

  • USA এর ঠিকানা দিয়ে তৈরী করা একটি Paypal Account.
  • Verification এর জন্য Paypal অ্যাকাউন্ট এ ১-২ ডলার থাকতে হবে।
  • একটি Payoneer এর MasterCard।
  • Payoneer এর US Payment Service Active থাকা।

Paypal Account তৈরী করাঃ

প্রথমেই আপনাকে একটি Paypal Account তৈরী করতে হবে। Account  তৈরীর সময় নিচের বিষয় গুলো অবশ্যই খেয়াল রাখবেন।
  • Account টি অবশ্যই USA এর ঠিকানা দিয়ে করতে হবে .
  • আপনার যদি National ID Card থাকে তাহলে ID Card এর অনুযায়ী নাম ব্যাবহার করবেন।
Paypal Account এ Sign Up করার নিয়মঃ
১। প্রথমেই Paypal এ প্রবেশ করে Signup  ক্লিক করুন.
২। এখন নিচের চিত্রের মত Select করুন এবং Get Started এ ক্লিক করুন।

৩। এখন Get Started এ ক্লিক করার পরে নিচের Page আসবে। নিচের চিত্রের মত ফরম টা পূরণ করুন । ( USA এর Address এবং ফোন নাম্বার এর জন্য http://www.fakenamegenerator.com ব্যাবহার করতে পারেন।

৪। সবকিছু ঠিক থাকলে Agree and Create Account ক্লিক করলে আরেক টি পেজ আসবে এবং একটি Captcha Code চাইবে Captcha Code টাইপ করে Submit করুন। ব্যাস হয়ে গেল আপনার Paypal Account এর রেজিস্ট্রেশান। এখন Email Check করে Email Verification করে নিন।

ফ্রী Payoneer  Mastercard এর জন্য আবেদন করাঃ

Payoneer হল একটি WorldWide ফ্রী মাস্টারকার্ড প্রদান কারি প্রতিষ্ঠান। Payoneer এর Prepaid ডেবিট MasteCard এর মাধ্যমে আপনি বিভিন্ন কোম্পানি থেকে Payment Receive করতে পারবেন। যেমনঃ Odesk, Infolinks ETC. আজকে Payoneer নিয়ে বেশি আলোচনা করবনা। আজকে দেখাব কিভাবে Payoneer এর মাধ্যমে Paypal Account Verify করা যায়। এবং Payoneer এর US Payment Service ব্যাবহার করে কিভাবে Paypal এর ডলার Payoneer এর মাস্টার কার্ড এ আনা যায়।
Payoneer এর মাধ্যমে আপনি যেসব সুবিধা পাবেনঃ
  • একটি  Worldwide গ্রহণযোগ্য ফ্রী মাস্টারকার্ড পাবেন।
  • আমেরিকার একটি Virtual ব্যাংক Account পাবেন।
  • US Payment Service এর মাধ্যমে Paypal, Moneybookers, Google Addsence সহ বিভিন্ন কোম্পানি থেকে Payment গ্রহন করতে পারবেন।
  • Payoneer এর Virtual US Bank Account দিয়ে Paypal Account Verify করতে পারবেন।
  • Payoneer এর Master Card দিয়ে পৃথিবীর যেকোনো দেশের MASTERCARD Supported ATM Booth থেকে Dollar উত্তোলন করতে পারবেন।
আপনার যদি আগেই Payoneer এর MASTERCARD থাকে তাহলে নতুন করে আবেদন করার দরকার নাই। সাধারনত বিভিন্ন Company  এবং Payoneer এর Affliate Referal লিঙ্ক থেকে Payoneer এর কার্ড এর জন্য আবেদন করা যায়। যেমনঃ Infolinks, Odesk, Freelancer, ইত্যাদি। যাদের অইসব কোম্পানি তে Account নাই তাদেরকে আমার Affiliate Link দিচ্ছিঃ
১। প্রথমেই নিচের লিঙ্কে প্রবেশ করে Signup করে নিনঃ
(এইখান থেকে Signup করলে আপনি পাবেন ২৫ ডলার ফ্রী সাথে আমি নিজেও পাব ২৫ ডলার)
NB: আপনি প্রথম ১০০ ডলার লোড করার পরে ২৫ ডলার ফ্রী পাবেন। তাই কেউ শুধু ২৫  ডলার বোনাস এর আশায় হুদাই Payoneer Account খুলবেন না। আমি রেফারেল লিঙ্ক দেওার কারন হল । Payoneer এর Activation চার্জ হল ৩০ ডলার এর মত। তাই আপনি যদি Payoneer এর কার্ড ব্যাবহার করেন তাহলে এই ২৫ ডলার দিয়ে অন্তত Payoneer এর Activation চার্জ টা দিতে পারবেন। )
২। উপরের লিঙ্কে ক্লিক করার পরে SIGN UP এ ক্লিক করুন।  তখন  নিচের মত একটি পেজ পাবেন-

৩। এখন এইখানে ৩ টি ধাপ আপনাকে পুরুন করতে হবে।
  • Cardholder details
  • Card Account Information
  • Registration Verification
৪। এখন Cardholder Details এর বাম পাশে ক্লিক করে সঠিক ভাবে আপনার National ID Card/ Passport অনুযায়ী পূরণ করুন। নিচে একটি Sample দেওয়া হলঃ
First Name On Your ID:   MD MONZORUL
Last Name on Your ID:     HAQUE
Date of Birth:                      January/20/1964
Email Address:                   example@gmail.com (আপনার Email Address)
Retype Email Address:     example@gmail.com (পুনরায় আপনার Email Address)
Country:                              Bangladesh
Home Address:                  Vill-Sonarua, Word-3, Torgaon (আপনার বাসার ঠিকানা) -১ম লাইন
Kapasia, Gazipur-1730 (আপনার বাসার  ঠিকানা) -২য় লাইন
City:                                       Gazipur
Zip/Postal Code:                 1730 (পোস্টাল  কোড)
Phone Number:                 +8801700000000 ( আপনার ফোন নাম্বার) – এইখানে আপনার মোবাইল নাম্বার ও দিতে পারেন ।
Mobile Number:                +8801900000000 ( আপনার মোবাইল  নাম্বার)

৫। আপনার কার্ড যদি অন্য কোন ঠিকানায় আনতে চান তাহলে উপরের চিত্রের নিচের দিকে  দেওয়া Check Box এ টিক দিয়ে নতুন ঠিকানা দিনঃ

৬। এখন Card Account Information এর বাম পাশে  ক্লিক করুন এবং নিচের চিত্র অনুযায়ী তথ্য দিনঃ

৭। এখন Registration Verification এর বাম পাশে  ক্লিক করুন এবং নিচের চিত্র অনুযায়ী তথ্য দিনঃ
  • National ID Card
  • Passport
  • Driver Lisence
উপরের ৩ টির মদ্ধে যেকোনো  একটি সিলেক্ট করে ID Number দিনঃ

৮। এখন সব ঠিক ভাবে পূরণ করে Finish এ ক্লিক করুন । আপনার Payoneer এর Registration সম্পন্ন হল। এখন ২-৩ দিন সময় নিবে কার্ড Approve হওয়ার জন্য। কার্ড Approve হলে আপনাকে Shipping Date মেইল এর মাধ্যমে জানিয়ে দেওয়া হবে। সাধারনত কার্ড আসতে ২০ থেকে ৩০ দিন লাগে। DHL এর মাধ্যমে ৬০ ডলার খরচ করে ৩ দিনে আপনার কার্ড পেতে পারেন।
Note: Registration এর ২-১ দিন মদ্ধে Payoneer আপনাকে Mail করে National ID/ Passport or Driving Lisence এর Scan কপি আপলোড করতে বলবে ।
স্ক্যান করে পাঠিয়ে দিবেন ।
Thank you for applying for a Payoneer account!
We have received your application. Just one more step before we can approve it and send out your card.
Please provide us with a copy of a valid government-issued photo ID document in order for us to complete processing your application.
Acceptable forms of ID include driver’s license, passport and national ID. Please make sure the ID matches the details provided on your Payoneer card application and that the document is clear and has your name and your date of birth displayed clearly. Documents that are difficult to read can cause further delays, so please enlarge and lighten copies when you scan, for clear viewing.
You can scan your ID (we prefer a jpeg file, under 1MB) and upload it automatically to your account for us to review by using the link below:
Upload link
Or if you prefer, you can attach the file in reply to this e-mail. Please note that documents uploaded using the upload link above are reviewed more quickly than replies by e-mail.
Apni যেইটা দিয়া অ্যাকাউন্ট খুলসেন অই Document Scan করে আপলোড করলে ১ দিন এর মদ্ধে ই আপনার Payoneer এর Account Approve হয়ে যাবে ইনশাল্লাহ। Approve হলে নিচের মত একটা মেইল পাবেনঃ
Dear Md Monzorul,
Your Payoneer Prepaid Debit MasterCard® card order has been approved!
Your card will be shipped by Regular mail.
Your card is estimated to arrive between 17 Apr 2013 and 24 Apr 2013
আপনি আরো যে যে কাজে কার্ডটি ব্যবহার করতে পারবেন???
  • অনলাইন শপিং।
  • অনলাইন বিল উত্তোলন ও প্রদান।
  • ওডেক্স, ফ্রিল্যান্সার সহ অন্যান্য জনপ্রিয় ফ্রিল্যান্সিং সাইটে টাকা উত্তোলন ও বিল প্রদানের জন্য ব্যবহার করতে পারবেন।
  • ফেসবুক, টুইটার, গুগুল প্লাস, গুগুল, ইয়াহু সহ অন্যন্য সকল সামাজিক যোগাযোগ সাইটে আপনার প্রতিষ্ঠানের বিজ্ঞাপন প্রচারের কাজে ব্যবহার করতে পারবেন।

Payoneer  এর  Virtual US Bank Account 

চিন্তা করছেন কার্ড এর জন্য আতদিন  অপেক্ষা করবেন । কার্ড Approve হওয়ার সাথে সাথে আপনি পাবেন Payoneer এর US Virtual Bank Account এর ( Routing Number এবং Account Number) . কার্ড আসার আগেই আপনি এই Virtual Bank Account ব্যাবহার করে আপনার Paypal Verify করতে পারবেন। এই USA এর Virtual Bank Account কে Payoneer এর US Payment Service বলা হয়। আপনার Payoneer এর কার্ড Approve হলে আপনার Payoneer অ্যাকাউন্ট এ Login করুন তাহলেই US Payment Service নামে একটা option দেখতে পাবেন ।
NOTE: US Payment Service Option টা আপনার Payoneer এর অ্যাকাউন্ট  Approve হওয়ার পরে দেখতে পারবেন।

এখন US Payment Service এ ক্লিক করার পর আপনার US Virtual Bank Account এর তথ্য পাবেনঃ

পেয়ে তো গেলেন আপনার USA এর Virtual Bank এর Routing and Account Number. এইটা  হল Checking Account. এই ব্যাংক  দিয়ে এখন আপনি অনায়াশেই আপনার  USA এর ঠিকানা দিয়ে করা Paypal Account টি Verify করে নিতে পারবেন।

Paypal Account ব্যাংক Verify করা

প্রথমেই আপনার Paypal Account এ MINIMUM 1-2 $ Load করে নেন । ( তবে পেপাল এ  ডলার Load না করলেও মনে হয় সমস্যা নাই )।  আপনার Paypal Account এ লগিন করুন । এবং Get Verifyed এ ক্লিক করে Link A Bank Account এ ক্লিক করুন । এবং নিচের চিত্রের মত Payoneer US Payment Service এ Virtual Bank Acocunt এর Routing and Account Number দিয়ে Submit করুন ।

এখন পেপাল আপনার Account থেকে ২ টা Small Amount আপনার Bank এ Diposit করবে। অই ২ টা Amount আপনি আপনার Payoneer এর Account এ লগিন করে দেখতে পারবেন। সাধারনত ২ দিন সময় নিতে পারে। 

এখন Diposit হওয়া ২ টা amount আপনি আপনার Paypal এ লগিন করে Confirm Bank Account এ ক্লিক করে Submit করেন। তাহলেই আপনার Paypal Account টি verifyed হয়ে যাবে।

***Paypal এর মাধ্যমে বড় Amount লেনদেন এর ক্ষেত্রে অবশ্য করনীয়***

অনেকে অভিযোগ করেন যে বড় Amount এর Transaction করলে পেপাল অ্যাকাউন্ট লিমিট করে দেয়। আমরা যখন পেপাল অ্যাকাউন্ট খুলি, তা থাকে Personal Account. পেপাল এ পার্সোনাল অ্যাকাউন্ট এর কিছু Limitation থাকে। Personal Account সাধারনত ছোট Amount লেনদেন এর জন্য ব্যাবহার হয়ে থাকে। যেমনঃ পরিবার এর কাউকে কিছু টাকা দেওয়া, ছোট খাট বিল প্রদান ইত্যাদি। তাই Personal Account থেকে বড় Amount লেনদেন করলে পেপাল Account লিমট করে দিতে পারে। আসুন জেনে নেই এর সমাধান।
পেপাল এর অ্যাকাউন্ট ৩ প্রকারঃ
  • Personal
  • Premiere
  • Buisness
তাই আপনি যদি বড় Amount এর ডলার আদান প্রদান এর প্রয়োজন হয় তাহলে আপনার পেপাল অ্যাকাউন্ট টি ফ্রীতে Premiere Account এ Upgrade করে নিবেন।
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Payoneer US Payment Service

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বিশেষ দ্রষ্টব্যঃ

  • সকল তথ্য আপনার National ID Card অনুযায়ী পূরণ করবেন।
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  • বিনা প্রয়োজনে আপনার পেপাল অ্যাকাউন্ট এ লগিন করবেন না।
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Your Guide to Cyber Monday’s Best Deals


Cyber Monday kicked off early Sunday, giving consumers a chance to shop from the comforts of their couches. More consumers than ever before are set to take part in the digital bonanza — in fact, this year’s Cyber Monday could turn out to be the heaviest online spending day in history. According to business analytics firm comScore, shoppers could spend almost $2 billion this Cyber Monday, a growth rate of approximately 20% year-over-year.
With every company getting in on the virtual mall madness, we’ve selected some of the best doorbuster deals to check out as you polish off that leftover stuffing.
The superstore is kicking off a weeklong promotion with new deals every day through Friday Dec. 6. Shoppers can get an early peak Sunday by downloading the mobile app, liking the company’s Facebook page or signing up for email. Free shipping on most items over $35.
  • LG 55-inch 3D LED with Soundbar bundle for $799 (reg. $1299)
  • Samsung 550 series 46″ LED television for $578 (reg. $999)
Amazon is ramping up its cyber campaign by releasing new deals as often as every 10 minutes. Shoppers can take advantage of half off selected toys, electronics and clothes.
  • Nikon D3200 Digital SLR Camera and 2 lens kit under $500
  • Roku HD streaming media player for $39.99
The weeklong specials include a “Buy one, get one 60 percent off” deal with free shipping for men’s, women’s and children’s apparel, accessories, jewelry and shoes. Some toys qualify for a “buy one, get one 30 percent off” deal with free shipping on Tuesday.
  • Dyson DC-41 Animal Vaccum, for $399.99 (reg. $599.99)
  • Pentax Q10 12.4mp compact system camera for $299.99 (reg. $399.99)
Shoppers can preview Macy’s doorbuster deals on Sunday and use the code “CYBER” to score free shipping on Sunday and Monday for orders over $75. The retailer will slash prices in half on selected brands like Kenneth Cole, DKNY and Calvin Klein.
  • J.A. Henckels International Fine Edge Pro 15 Piece Block Set for $99.99 (reg. $292)
  • Dyson DC40 Vacuum, Origin Upright for $299.99 (reg. $499.99)
Best Buy:
Sign up for Best Buy’s Deal of the Day email alerts and get early access to Monday’s deals. For every $100 you spend and choose in-store pickup, you earn a free $10 savings code to use on a future order in December.
  • Insignia 50″ LED 1080p 60Hz television for $399 (reg. $549)
  • HTC One 32gb with Android 4.2 Jelly Bean for $29.99 with a contract (reg. $199)

Read more: Cyber Monday's Best Deals | TIME.com http://techland.time.com/2013/12/01/your-guide-to-cyber-mondays-best-deals/#ixzz2mM47TYBG

Analyst downgrades Urban Outfitters, citing 'merchandising miscues'

Urban Outfitters’ brand is coming under scrutiny from an analyst that follows the retailer.
In a report released Monday, Ike Boruchow of Sterne Agee said Urban Outfitters is having “brand problems,” illustrated in part by its aggressive discounting in advance of Black Friday, even extending promotional periods.
Urban Outfitters Inc. (NASDAQ: URBN), which is based in the Philadelphia Navy Yard, owns 225 Urban Outfitters stores, 185 Anthropologie locations and 86 Free People sites.
“While the Anthropologie and Free People concepts continue to outperform, we are losing confidence in the Urban brand’s ability to quickly adjust its merchandising miscues, which creates potential risk to 2014 numbers,” Boruchow said in his report.
On Monday, Boruchow downgraded Urban to a “neutral” rating (from “buy”), saying shares could top out at $42.
In mid-day trading, shares were down 3 percent, to $37.85.

Janney Upgrades American Eagle Prior to Earnings

On Monday, Janney Capital Markets analyst Adrienne Tennant upgraded shares of American Eagle Outfitter, Inc. (NYSE: AEO [FREE Stock Trend Analysis]) from Neutral to Buy and raised the price target from $17 to $20 due to plausible 2014 recovery.
Tennant noted American Eagle's strong brand equity and limited downside from valuation support. The analyst commented on the company's "1) potential for positive inventory and Gross Margin Return on Inventory Investment (“GMROI”) inflections in early 2014, 2) stabilizing promotional environment as the sector gets inventory under control for 2H14, and 3) our belief they are best-positioned in fashion and value among the “three As.”"
Janney Capital added that 4Q13 consensus estimates already reflect gross margin pressure. The analyst looks for improvement in comp and margin pressure performance. Tennant maintained EPS estimates and remain conservative on the environment. FY13 EPS estimate was reported at $0.86 versus consensus of $0.85 and FY14 estimates of $1.01 versus consensus of $1.09.
American Eagle will report earnings before the market opens on Friday, December 6, 2013. The company will hold a conference call for investors and the general public at 9:00 am ET on Friday.
American Eagle Outfitters closed at $16.27 on Friday.

Money 11 Surprising Cyber Monday Deals

11 Surprising Cyber Monday Deals

PHOTO: Virgin America is one of the companies offering an unexpected Cyber Monday deal.
Herb Lingl/Aerial Archives for Virgin America
Cyber Monday, the day when retailers push their online deals to holiday shoppers, tends to skew towards deals on electronics, but toy, fashion and even food sellers are trying to lure in shoppers.
Here are 11 unexpected Cyber Monday and Cyber Week deals.
Virgin America
Virgin America is offering Cyber Monday fares for up to 20 percent off if you book before 11:59 pm PT on Dec. 2, with code GAMEPLANE, and fly between Dec. 18, 2013 and Mach 16, 2014. There are blackout dates including Dec. 20-25, Dec. 27-31, and more days in January and February, and other restrictions.
Floral subscription service TheBouqs.com is offering 20 percent off a year of flowers when you sign up for "Regular Blooms." Celebrity clients include Molly Sims, Lauren Conrad and Courtney Cox, the company says.
Dippin' Dots
Who doesn't love Dippin' Dots, "The Ice Cream of the Future" found in amusement parks, even if it costs at least three times as much as normal ice cream? With flavors like Birthday Cake and Candy Cane, you can have your own festive Dippin' Dots party. If you buy two gallons for FedEx Ground delivery, you can get a third gallon free, for savings of $49.95. Use promo code holly13, and pay $9.99 ground shipping per cooler purchase of $50 or more.
On Cyber Monday only, get $25 off purchases of $60 or more plus free standard shipping at StarbucksStore.com. Also, get $50 off a Verismo System 580 coffeemaker, now for $99.
PHOTO: The Apple MacBook Pro with 13.3" Retina display.
Best Buy
Best Buy is offering $100 iTunes or App Store Gift Cards for $85 while a Apple MacBook Pro with 13.3" Retina display, 8GB Memory is on sale for $1,599.99 (reg. $1,799.99).
While Macy's has its share of jewelry, clothing and linen deals, it's featuring 16 Cyber Monday deals for vacuums, such as a Dyson DC24 Animal Vacuum with bonus attachments for $289.99, normally $549.99.
Fashion websites
Don't forget your favorite fashion retail websites. J.Crew is offering 30 percent off plus free shipping on all orders, with code "Monday" online and in stores today. ShopItToMe has posted its annual fashion sale guide on its website, highlighting deals like 30 percent off Kate Spade's website with code CYBER 30 and 25 percent off clearance items with code MOVEMORE on Nike's website.
However, if you want better discounts on average for fashion, you may be better off shopping in February around Presidents' Day sales, says Shop It To Me. Out of more than half a million items in over 150 online retailers' sites, markdowns for Presidents' Day 2012 averaged 48 percent compared to 42 percent over Thanksgiving weekend 2012.
Armed with Cyber Monday discount codes, on-trend shoppers can also check out smaller retailer websites, like men's and boy's swimwear company Solid & Striped (CYBER30), skirt e-tailer PARTYSKIRTS BY SKOT (CyberMonday), and jewelry subscription service Rocksbox for 30 percent off with Cyber Monday discount codes.
For additional discounts, ShopHers allows users to sell and buy pre-owned clothing and accessories, DRESSHIRTS by Marieclaire St John (CyberMonday).
Gyms, leisure activities
While the New Year is often the time when fitness gyms aggressively sell memberships to people with hopeful resolutions to get fit, your local gym club or YMCA may be offering Cyber Monday deals now, a great gift for a loved one who will appreciate your sense of health, and not find it rude. For example, in Washington, D.C., local YMCAs are offering a list of discounted classes.
Mary Helen Bowers, the ballerina behind Natalie Portman's ballet training in "Black Swan," is offering 20 percent off her Ballet Beautiful website with her DVDs, books and New York City classes, with code BBHOLIDAY.
A Cyber Week promotion ideal for families buying for multiple children or Santa's toy shop for next year, Target is offering buy one, get one 30 percent off certain toys, plus free shipping, such as an Easy-Bake Ultimate oven for $39.99 and a Back to the Future Delorean Lego set for $32.49.
Sure, Cyber Monday is typically known for discounted electronics, and Amazon is a go-to destination for those deals, like Amazon's Kindle Fire HDX discounted $50 to $179 today. But Amazon Fashion is also offering a discount of 30 percent when you spend $100 on shoes, handbags and more, with code CMSHOE30 on eligible items sold and shipped on Amazon.com.
Amazon sellers are also trying to capitalize on Cyber Week with limited-time deals like a Cuisinart GR-4N 5-in-1 Griddler, on sale for $79.95, or 57 percent off.
Though the Apple iPad mini deal for $279 at Walmart is sold out for the time being, you can still get an Apple iPod Touch 5th Generation for $279, normally $299 at the Apple store. You can also still get a Samsung 46" Class LED 1080p 60Hz HDTV for $478, normally $949.99. Walmart has a range of deals on toys and jewelry too, including $98 for a 1 Carat T.W. Diamond Sterling Silver Pendant & Earrings Set, which Walmart says is worth $500.
Though Cyber Week, Walmart.com is offering "Value of the Hour" specials throughout the day that last an hour. These include Dirt Devil SimpliStik Stick Vacuum Cleaner for $10, a 60 percent discount, Monster Diesel Vektr On-Ear Headphones for $99, a discount of 50 percent, and Crayola Creative Art Supply 70 Accessory Set for $14.97, a discount of $7.

At least 4 dead, 60 hurt as Metro-North passenger train derails in New York City

Four people are dead and more than 60 injured after a Metro-North passenger train derailed on a curved section of track on its way to New York City.
Sixty-three people were injured -- 11 critically -- in the accident that occurred at 7:20 a.m., about 100 yards north of the Spuyten Duyvil station in the Bronx, according to authorities.
A Metro-North spokesman tells FoxNews.com the derailment involved a southbound Hudson Line commuter train departing Poughkeepsie in Dutchess County at 5:54 a.m. -- the second train to leave that station, Sunday.
The train was due to arrive at Manhattan’s Grand Central Station at 7:43 a.m.  Passengers were removed from the wreck by authorities, with dozens bloodied and scratched, holding ice packs to their heads.
"I was asleep and I woke up when the car started rolling several times,” said a bloodied Joel Zaritsky, who was on his way to New York City for a dental convention.
“Then I saw the gravel coming at me, and I heard people screaming. There was smoke everywhere and debris. People were thrown to the other side of the train."
The whole train comprised seven cars, plus a diesel locomotive, and five of the cars went off the tracks, said Metro-North spokesman Aaron Donovan.
The derailment occurred near the Harlem River, and authorities say two cars were left lying on their sides, although none of the cars went into the nearby waterway.
“One approached the water and came close, but did not go in,” Donovan tells FoxNews.com.
Donovan said a locomotive was pushing the train from behind, although the operating engineer who controlled the train was stationed in the front of the first passenger car.
Other Metro-North railroad incidents in 2013.
New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said there were initial concerns that people may have been ejected from the train after the crash and landed in the water. The NYPD dispatched its dive team, helicopters and canine squad and nothing was found, Kelly said.
“It’s going to be a long time before this is cleared up,” MTA spokeswoman Marjorie Anders told Fox News. “It was not a hugely crowded train,” she added.
It is unknown as-of-yet what caused the derailment, although Anders told Fox News that authorities will unload the train’s black box event recorder for transfer to the National Transportation Safety Board.
 “Whether speed is a factor will be determined as part of an investigation,” Anders noted, adding the accident occurred in a “slow-speed area,” designated as such because of a large curve.
Frank Tatulli, a passenger on the train, told WABC-TV the train appeared to be going "a lot faster" than usual as it approached the curve coming into the station.
Keith Holloway, an NTSB spokesman, said the agency was dispatching a Go-Team to investigate.
Donovan says the train was an express and was not due to stop in the station. Sunday’s incident occurred just south of where a train ferrying garbage derailed in mid-July.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced the four deaths at a news conference at the site of the crash, adding that among the injured was the as-yet-unidentified train operator. In all, the victims were taken to four area hospitals.
The fire department says 130 firefighters are on the scene.
Edwin Valero was in an apartment building above the accident scene when the train derailed. He said that although none of the cars went into the water where the Harlem River meets the Hudson, at least one ended up a few feet from the water’s edge.
He says he didn't realize the train had turned on its side until he saw a firefighter walking on the window.
A woman at the scene says numerous emergency vehicles have responded. Rebecca Schwartz initially said some of the trains are submerged in water, but a photo of the scene taken by another witness shows eight cars derailed, with none in the water.
Metro-North said it will provide bus service between White Plains and the Tarrytown Station for customers traveling in and out of Grand Central Station. Bus service was scheduled to begin at 11 a.m.
Amtrak Empire Line Service is currently being suspended between New York City and Albany, and no estimate was available for when service would be restored.
However, Amtrak said Northeast Corridor service between Boston and Washington is not affected.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

College football scores: Auburn does it again; Ohio State survives

Missouri vs. Texas A&M was the final big game on the Week 14 schedule, and the SEC East title — and the SEC Championship Game — is all Tigers. Missouri will face Auburn (yes, Auburn!) in next week's SEC Championship Game. Catch up on all the Top 25 action on Sporting News' live scoreboard.
So yeah, Auburn's entry comes courtesy of its win on in the final-second over Alabama by returning a missed field goal 100 yards for a touchdown. INCREDIBLE. Meanwhile, Duke beat North Carolina to win the ACC Coastal, and Wisconsin saw its BCS bowl game hopes vanish with a loss to Penn State.
Let's get to all the action.
Picks | Bowl projections | Top 10 rivalries | Week 14 photos | Iron Bowl images


No. 4 Auburn 34, No. 1 Alabama 28 (recap): How many miracles does Auburn have left? Chris Davisreturns a missed 57-yard field goal 100 yards for the game-winning TD. The Tigers advance to the SEC title game and derail Alabama's chance at a third straight BCS title. Now the question is, could Auburn have a BCS title shot if it wins next week?
MORE: Iron Bowl photos | Cooper's 99-yard TD | Top 10 Iron Bowls of all time
No. 2 Florida State 37, Florida 7 (recap): Coach Will Muschamp's job is not in jeopardy even with this loss. Florida AD Jeremy Foley gave Muschamp the vote of confidence before the game. Meanwhile, the Jameis Winston legal situation looms large over the national championship picture. FSU will play Duke in next week's ACC title game.
No. 3 Ohio State 42, Michigan 41 (recap): Braxton Miller ran for four TDs and passed for two, and the Buckeyes held on after Michigan's 2-point conversion pass attempt in the final minute was incomplete. This game even had a brawl that resulted in three ejections. SN's Bill Bender calls this Buckeyes team the best that Ohio State has ever had in the BCS era.
No. 5 Missouri 28, No. 19 Texas A&M 21 (recap): The Tigers take down Johnny Manziel and in just their second season in the SEC are headed to the SEC Championship Game in Atlanta where they will play Auburn.
No. 10 South Carolina 31, No. 6 Clemson 17 (recap): These teams hate each other, and the loser will hate the winner just a little bit more. This year, that will be the Tigers, who couldn't keep pace with the Gamecocks this season.
Missouri running back Henry Josey breaks free for a 57-yard touchdown run. (AP Photo)
No. 8 Stanford 27, No. 25 Notre Dame 20 (recap): The Cardinal already have their spot in the Pac-12 title game wrapped up, so this game didn't mean as much. Regardless, Stanford took care of business and takes momentum into the next week.
No. 9 Baylor 41, TCU 38 (recap): Bears had a 17-point lead early in the third quarter, but Horned Frogs stormed back to make it interesting. Still, it wasn't enough, as Bears reach the 10-win plateau.
No. 11 Michigan State 14, Minnesota 3 (recap): The Spartans were already locked into the Big Ten title game, but finishing unbeaten in Big Ten play was still pretty damn inviting. MSU wins in its patented fashion: Grind the other team into submission.
No. 12 Oregon 36, Oregon State 35 (recap): Ducks pull out another 10-win season with Marcus Mariota's 12-yard pass to Josh Huff in the final minute.
No. 13 Arizona State 58, Arizona 21 (recap): Sun Devils already have their Pac-12 title game bid locked up, and beating their rival was just icing on the cake. Arizona State dominated this one from start to finish.
Penn State 31, No. 14 Wisconsin 24 (recap): Badgers's hopes for a BCS bid go up in smoke. Christian Hackenberg threw four TD passes, and Penn State held on after allowing 10 fourth-quarter points. Melvin Gordon and James White were bottled up incredibly well.
No. 15 LSU 31, Arkansas 27 (recap): Looks like the Tigers have a keeper in Anthony Jennings. Meanwhile, the Razorbacks finish 0-8 in Bret Bielema's first year with the team.
San Jose State 62, No. 16 Fresno State 52 (recap): Bulldogs' BCS dreams die with this loss, opening the door for Northern Illinois to get a second straight BCS bid.
No. 17 UCF 23, South Florida 20 (recap): Knights win despite committing five turnovers. Win against 5-6 SMU next week will give UCF the American title outright and a BCS bid.
No. 18 Northern Illinois 33, Western Michigan 14 (recap): Huskies complete their first unbeaten regular season in 50 years. They'll meet either Buffalo or Bowling Green in next week's MAC title game. Win there, and the Huskies likely are on their way to a second straight BCS bid.
No. 22 UCLA 35, No. 23 Southern Cal 14 (recap): The Bruins snapped a five-game winning streak in this rivalry behind a big effort running and throwing from QB Brett Hundley. Could this also damage Ed Orgeron's shot at getting the interim tag removed?
No. 24 Duke 27, North Carolina 25 (recap): The Blue Devils wrap up their first-ever 10-win season and reach the ACC title game in the process. W-O-W.

College football scores: Auburn does it again; Ohio State survives

Missouri vs. Texas A&M was the final big game on the Week 14 schedule, and the SEC East title — and the SEC Championship Game — is all Tigers. Missouri will face Auburn (yes, Auburn!) in next week's SEC Championship Game. Catch up on all the Top 25 action on Sporting News' live scoreboard.
So yeah, Auburn's entry comes courtesy of its win on in the final-second over Alabama by returning a missed field goal 100 yards for a touchdown. INCREDIBLE. Meanwhile, Duke beat North Carolina to win the ACC Coastal, and Wisconsin saw its BCS bowl game hopes vanish with a loss to Penn State.
Let's get to all the action.
Picks | Bowl projections | Top 10 rivalries | Week 14 photos | Iron Bowl images


No. 4 Auburn 34, No. 1 Alabama 28 (recap): How many miracles does Auburn have left? Chris Davisreturns a missed 57-yard field goal 100 yards for the game-winning TD. The Tigers advance to the SEC title game and derail Alabama's chance at a third straight BCS title. Now the question is, could Auburn have a BCS title shot if it wins next week?
MORE: Iron Bowl photos | Cooper's 99-yard TD | Top 10 Iron Bowls of all time
No. 2 Florida State 37, Florida 7 (recap): Coach Will Muschamp's job is not in jeopardy even with this loss. Florida AD Jeremy Foley gave Muschamp the vote of confidence before the game. Meanwhile, the Jameis Winston legal situation looms large over the national championship picture. FSU will play Duke in next week's ACC title game.
No. 3 Ohio State 42, Michigan 41 (recap): Braxton Miller ran for four TDs and passed for two, and the Buckeyes held on after Michigan's 2-point conversion pass attempt in the final minute was incomplete. This game even had a brawl that resulted in three ejections. SN's Bill Bender calls this Buckeyes team the best that Ohio State has ever had in the BCS era.
No. 5 Missouri 28, No. 19 Texas A&M 21 (recap): The Tigers take down Johnny Manziel and in just their second season in the SEC are headed to the SEC Championship Game in Atlanta where they will play Auburn.
No. 10 South Carolina 31, No. 6 Clemson 17 (recap): These teams hate each other, and the loser will hate the winner just a little bit more. This year, that will be the Tigers, who couldn't keep pace with the Gamecocks this season.
Missouri running back Henry Josey breaks free for a 57-yard touchdown run. (AP Photo)
No. 8 Stanford 27, No. 25 Notre Dame 20 (recap): The Cardinal already have their spot in the Pac-12 title game wrapped up, so this game didn't mean as much. Regardless, Stanford took care of business and takes momentum into the next week.
No. 9 Baylor 41, TCU 38 (recap): Bears had a 17-point lead early in the third quarter, but Horned Frogs stormed back to make it interesting. Still, it wasn't enough, as Bears reach the 10-win plateau.
No. 11 Michigan State 14, Minnesota 3 (recap): The Spartans were already locked into the Big Ten title game, but finishing unbeaten in Big Ten play was still pretty damn inviting. MSU wins in its patented fashion: Grind the other team into submission.
No. 12 Oregon 36, Oregon State 35 (recap): Ducks pull out another 10-win season with Marcus Mariota's 12-yard pass to Josh Huff in the final minute.
No. 13 Arizona State 58, Arizona 21 (recap): Sun Devils already have their Pac-12 title game bid locked up, and beating their rival was just icing on the cake. Arizona State dominated this one from start to finish.
Penn State 31, No. 14 Wisconsin 24 (recap): Badgers's hopes for a BCS bid go up in smoke. Christian Hackenberg threw four TD passes, and Penn State held on after allowing 10 fourth-quarter points. Melvin Gordon and James White were bottled up incredibly well.
No. 15 LSU 31, Arkansas 27 (recap): Looks like the Tigers have a keeper in Anthony Jennings. Meanwhile, the Razorbacks finish 0-8 in Bret Bielema's first year with the team.
San Jose State 62, No. 16 Fresno State 52 (recap): Bulldogs' BCS dreams die with this loss, opening the door for Northern Illinois to get a second straight BCS bid.
No. 17 UCF 23, South Florida 20 (recap): Knights win despite committing five turnovers. Win against 5-6 SMU next week will give UCF the American title outright and a BCS bid.
No. 18 Northern Illinois 33, Western Michigan 14 (recap): Huskies complete their first unbeaten regular season in 50 years. They'll meet either Buffalo or Bowling Green in next week's MAC title game. Win there, and the Huskies likely are on their way to a second straight BCS bid.
No. 22 UCLA 35, No. 23 Southern Cal 14 (recap): The Bruins snapped a five-game winning streak in this rivalry behind a big effort running and throwing from QB Brett Hundley. Could this also damage Ed Orgeron's shot at getting the interim tag removed?
No. 24 Duke 27, North Carolina 25 (recap): The Blue Devils wrap up their first-ever 10-win season and reach the ACC title game in the process. W-O-W.

'Fast and Furious' star Paul Walker dies in car crash 'Fast and Furious' star Paul Walker dies in car crash

Actor Paul Walker, who gained fame as an undercover detective in the hugely successful “The Fast and the Furious” franchise, was killed Saturday in a car accident in Valencia, Calif. his representatives confirmed.

The single vehicle collision occurred about 3:30 p.m. local time. Authorities arrived to find a vehicle engulfed in flames. Two people in the vehicle were pronounced dead at the scene. The cause of the collision is under investigation.
According to a statement on his Twitter account, Walker, 40, was attending a charity event to aid Filipino victims of Typhoon Haiyan for his organization Reach Out Worldwide, formed in 2010 as a quick response first-aid organization.
“It is with a truly heavy heart that we must confirm that Paul Walker passed away today in a tragic car accident while attending a charity event for his organization Reach Out Worldwide,” the statement read. “He was a passenger in a friend's car, in which both lost their lives. We appreciate your patience as we too are stunned and saddened beyond belief by this news.”
Officials with the Los Angeles County coroner’s office said they were still at the scene and could not confirm the names of either victim.
Representatives with Universal Pictures confirmed Walker’s identity and released a statement:
“All of us at Universal are heartbroken. Paul was truly one of the most beloved and respected members of our studio family for 14 years, and this loss is devastating to us, to everyone involved with the FAST AND FURIOUS films, and to countless fans. We send our deepest and most sincere condolences to Paul's family.
In the "Fast and Furious" pictures, the blond-haired, blue-eyed actor played Brian O'Conner, a law enforcement official.

The first movie in the series, which stars Vin Diesel, was released in 2001, and a seventh was in development at the time of his death, Universal, the studio behind the franchise, said in a statement. The most recent film, released in May, was one of this year's biggest box office hits.

"Brother I will miss you very much," Diesel said in a post on Instagram, adding "I am absolutely speechless. Heaven has gained a new Angel. Rest in Peace."
More tributes flowed on social media websites such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

"So sad. He gave a lot of joy," wrote James Franco, while model/actor Tyson Beckford posted "Tyson Beckford: RIP Paul Walker, loved working with you on "Into the Blue."

Television host Carson Daly said that he was "Sick about the tragic loss of #PaulWalker. I enjoyed our time together very much. Such a really nice guy," while actress Alyssa Milano, current host of "Project Runway All Stars," protested "No. No. No" before adding "Rest with the angels."

According to the IMDb.com movie website, Paul William Walker IV was born in Glendale, California, in 1973 and began acting at a very young age, appearing in many commercials.

He played Professor Bennet in the 1987 movie "Monster in the Closet" and starred in the television series "Throb," IMDb said.

Walker also made guest appearances on television shows, including "Charles in Charge" and "Who's the Boss?" and had a role in the soap opera, "The Young and the Restless."

Other film appearances include "Timeline," "Into the Blue," "The Lazarus Project" and "Hours," which is slated for release in December.

According to IMDb, Walker has a daughter named Meadow.
Carla Rivera of the Los Angeles Times contributed.

End of Auburn vs. Alabama is one second in college football that will be talked about forever Read more: http://www.earnfortricks.blogspot.com

On the television screen, on screens all across the country on Thanksgiving weekend, a time when extraordinary things have happened before in college football, the long field goal attempt from Alabama’s Adam Griffith, a 57-yard field goal attempt, was coming up short.
So this was the beginning of it, the start of the greatest ending to any big game college football has ever seen, the ball falling into the arms of an Auburn kid named Chris Davis. Like the season was coming into the kid’s arms one yard from the back of the Auburn end zone.
One second on the clock.
The beginning of what was officially one second in college football that will be talked about forever. This was the Iron Bowl, No. 1 Alabama against No. 4 Auburn, at Auburn; this was unbeaten Alabama going for three straight national championships under Nick Saban. If Saban’s team gets there it goes down in history with the best in his sport’s history. Saban himself? He is already one of the best coaches, even if he wasn’t close to being that at the finish of Auburn-Alabama on Saturday.
Not now: Not when he thought he was giving his team a chance to win this game before overtime by letting Griffith, replacing the Alabama kicker who had already missed three field goal attempts, try to make a game-winning kick from Tuscaloosa. Not as cornerback Chris Davis, No. 11 for Auburn, began to run toward the left sideline and pick up speed and blockers, as a national television audience began to realize just exactly what it was seeing.
Auburn cornerback Chris Davis returns a missed field-goal attempt 100-plus yards to score the game-winning touchdown as time expires.

Dave Martin/AP

Auburn cornerback Chris Davis returns a missed field-goal attempt 100-plus yards to score the game-winning touchdown as time expires.

It was 28-28. So much had happened already between these two teams, including a 99-yard touchdown pass from the Alabama quarterback A.J. McCarron that had made it 28-21 for his team. But Auburn came back again, the way it had come back from 21-7 to get to within a touchdown at halftime and Nick Marshall, the Auburn quarterback, had finally tied it by pulling up before he crossed the line of scrimmage and throwing a 39-yard touchdown pass to Sammie Coates with 32 seconds left.
The Auburn Tigers were 10-1. Alabama, of course, was 11-0 already. This wasn’t No. 1 against No. 2, but it was close enough at Jordan-Hare Stadium, a regular-season game feeling like a title game, feeling the way No. 1 versus No. 2 used to feel when it was Nebraska against Oklahoma back in 1971, another Thanksgiving weekend in college football.
And 29 years ago, on another Thanksgiving weekend, it was Doug Flutie throwing the ball as far as he could to his best friend, Gerard Phelan, and beating Miami on the last play of the game in the Orange Bowl, as famous a throw and as famous an ending as their sport had ever seen.
Only now Chris Davis, No. 11 of Alabama, had a different ending in mind. If you were watching the end of the game on television, all of a sudden you saw the field opening up for him, saw that he hadn’t stepped out of bounds when it seemed as if his own momentum might stop him before anybody from Alabama did.
AJ McCarron celebrates throwing a 99-yard touchdown pass to Amari Cooper.

Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images

AJ McCarron celebrates throwing a 99-yard touchdown pass to Amari Cooper.

You realized, maybe halfway into it, maybe a little before that, that Davis might be able to go all the way, might take the ball from what felt like one of the tunnels at Jordan-Hare Stadium into his own place in college football history.
They should have been in overtime already, Auburn and Alabama. But on what looked like the last play of regulation, T.J. Yeldon, the star Alabama running back, because there is always a star running back for Saban at Alabama, wouldn’t stop running and nobody could bring him down until he got to the Auburn 39-yard line. The whole world thinking that the clock had run out at that point, Saban saying no it hadn’t, the officials checking the replay, deciding there was still one second left. What was about to become the most unreal second — in real football time — that football had ever seen anywhere.
Already this was an improbable season for Auburn, it had beaten Georgia two weeks ago on what was called an “Immaculate Deflection,” the ball bouncing off Georgia defenders and into Ricardo Louis’ hands and Louis running the rest of the way with the touchdown that set up this Iron Bowl on Saturday.
Saban fought for that extra second early Saturday night, fought for it and got it. But when Griffith’s kick came up a few yards short, the play suddenly became a kick return for Chris Davis. Only Saban didn’t have a kickoff team trying to catch him or stop him, he had a field goal kicker and a bunch of blockers scattered all over the field as Davis was flying down the left sideline, and the improbable became more probable a few yards at a time for coach Gus Malzahn’s Auburn Tigers.
Chris Davis is surrounded after scoring the winning touchdown. 

Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images

Chris Davis is surrounded after scoring the winning touchdown. 

“Never saw a game end that way,” Saban would say.
A game that really had seen so much, seen both teams make fourth-down stops in the fourth quarter, had seen that 99-yard touchdown pass from McCarron to Amari Cooper was now going to see Davis go 109 and beat what people would have called one of the great college teams of them all if Nick Saban’s team could win it again.
The last Alabama player with a shot at Davis was a kid named Cody Mandell at midfield. But he was too late, then all you saw was the back of Davis’ blue jerseys and all the blue jerseys around him, saw Davis’ teammates catch up with him finally at the back of the other team’s end zone now, Auburn 34 now, Alabama 28 in the Iron Bowl, forever.
“I was in disbelief,” the wonderful Auburn running back, Tre Davis, would say to ESPN’s Chris Fowler when it was over. “(Davis) blew right past me.”
There have always been great moments to end great college football games. Flutie to Phelan. Johnny Rodgers’ brilliant run to set up Jeff Kinney’s winning score in that ’71 Game of the Century between Nebraska and Oklahoma. Vince Young beating USC in the Rose Bowl to win the BCS championship that time.
Just never one like this, never one like Chris Davis’ 109 yards and one official second of football time early Saturday night at Auburn. Only thing missing was the Stanford band.
AUBURN WINS. on Twitpic

Paul Walker dead at 40: 'Fast and Furious' star killed in fiery car crash

 LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 07: Actor Paul Walker attends the "Fast & Furious 6" World Premiere at The Empire, Leicester Square on May 7, 2013 in London, England. (Photo by Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images for Universal Pictures)

Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images for Universal Pictures

Paul Walker, 40, died in a car accident in California on Saturday afternoon. Here, Walker attends the "Fast & Furious 6" world premiere in London, England, on May 7.

Actor Paul Walker — a self-styled adrenaline junkie best known for his role in “The Fast and the Furious” movies — was killed Saturday in a fiery single-car wreck in Southern California.
The 40-year-old Walker was riding in a red Porsche GT about 3:30 p.m. when the sports car flew off the road and slammed into a tree in Santa Clarita, authorities and witnesses said. The car burst into flames.
Paul Walker (left) seen with Roger Rodas, who has been identified as the other person who died in the car crash.

Carparazzis via Facebook

Paul Walker (left) seen with Roger Rodas, who has been identified as the other person who died in the car crash.

“It was engulfed in flames,” said Antonio Holmes, a friend of Walker’s who raced to the scene after hearing about the crash. “There was nothing. They were trapped.”
Holmes said he was among a group of people who showed up at the site with fire extinguishers and tried to rescue Walker and the driver. “We tried. We tried,” he told the Santa Clarita Valley Signal. “Him and his buddy, his brother in arms at heart, just decided to joyride, take a spin. Something we all do.”
Firefighters spray water on the wreckage of the Porsche that crashed in Valencia, Calif., on Saturday. 

Dan Watson/Santa Clarita Valley Signal

Firefighters spray water on the wreckage of the Porsche that crashed in Valencia, Calif., on Saturday. 

Jim Torp, who was also at the event, identified the second victim as Roger Rodas, a pro racer and father of two who owned Always Evolving Performance Motors. Torp described how Rodas’ 8-year-old son tried to save his dad.
Paul Walker, who visited "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" on May 24, died Saturday in a single car accident in Santa Clarita.

Lloyd Bishop/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images

Paul Walker, who visited "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" on May 24, died Saturday in a single car accident in Santa Clarita.

“I ran over afterwards, I was trying to find Roger’s son,” Torp said. “I found out his son had jumped the fence and gone over, he was trying to get his dad out. Paul Walker’s best friend was trying to get Paul out of the car while it was still on fire ... he was trying to save his friend ... there was nothing he could do.”
Torp said friends of the actor and race-car driver were trying to make sense of the horrific crash and its grim parallel to Walker's movie franchise.
Photo of the Porsche that Paul Walker was a passenger in when it crashed in Santa Clarifa, Calif.

Carparazzis via Facebook

Photo of the Porsche that Paul Walker was a passenger in when it crashed in Santa Clarifa, Calif.

"It's strange," Torp said. "(Walker) made his movies. He lived his life and he died fast and furious today. He loved speed, he loved cars, and he had to die this way. He died in a very fast car with his friend."
This photo of Paul Walker in his 2005 film "Into the Blue" was tweeted from his account on May 2, captioned, "PW's 2005 adventure #IntoTheBlue was set in what scenic tropical location? - #TeamPW #tbt"

Paul Walker via Twitter

This photo of Paul Walker in his 2005 film "Into the Blue" was tweeted from his account on May 2, captioned, "PW's 2005 adventure #IntoTheBlue was set in what scenic tropical location? - #TeamPW #tbt"

Coroner Ed Winters said the bodies were so badly burned they would take days to positively identify.
Walker was in Santa Clarita, about 30 miles north of Los Angeles, for a charity event to benefit his organization Reach Out Worldwide, which sends first responders to the scenes of natural disasters.
A sheriff's deputy at the scene of a crash in Valencia, Calif., where Paul Walker and another person were killed when a Porsche crashed Saturday.


A sheriff's deputy at the scene of a crash in Valencia, Calif., where Paul Walker and another person were killed when a Porsche crashed Saturday.

The event was held at Rodas’ Always Evolving Performance Motors, just down the street from the accident site on Rye Canyon Loop, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.
"He was a great guy. His employees loved him," friend Torp said of Rodas. "Every month Roger did a car show to help people. This was the big one for him, they were trying to help the victims in Indiana and the monsoon (in the Philippines)," Torp said.
A video was taken by someone riding by the scene of the accident in Santa Clarita, Calif., on Saturday afternoon.


A video was taken by someone riding by the scene of the accident in Santa Clarita, Calif., on Saturday afternoon.

Responding deputies found the vehicle “engulfed in flames,” authorities said.
Firefighters stand near the smoking wreckage of the Porsche after the horrific crash that killed actor Paul Walker.

Splash News

Firefighters stand near the smoking wreckage of the Porsche after the horrific crash that killed actor Paul Walker.

Firefighters extinguished the blaze — and then found the two victims in the charred wreckage. They were pronounced dead at the scene. Police said speed was a factor in the crash.
“Sadly, I must confirm that Paul did pass away this afternoon in a car accident,” said his rep, Ame Van Iden.
From left to right: Luke Evans, Michelle Rodriguez, Ludacris, Gal Gadot, Paul Walker, Justin Lin, Elisa Pataky, Vin Diesel, Gina Carano, Tyrese Gibson and Ssung Kang attend the world premiere of "Fast & Furious 6" in London, England, on May 7.

Dave J. Hogan/Getty Images

From left to right: Luke Evans, Michelle Rodriguez, Ludacris, Gal Gadot, Paul Walker, Justin Lin, Elisa Pataky, Vin Diesel, Gina Carano, Tyrese Gibson and Ssung Kang attend the world premiere of "Fast & Furious 6" in London, England, on May 7.

"All of us at Universal are heartbroken," Universal Pictures, the studio behind "The Fast the Furious" franchise, said in a statement following Walker's death.
Paul Walker in "2 Fast 2 Furious." The franchise was his most well-known work.

Universal Pictures

Paul Walker in "2 Fast 2 Furious." The franchise was his most well-known work.

"Paul was truly one of the most beloved and respected members of our studio family for 14 years, and this loss is devastating to us, to everyone involved with the Fast and Furious films, and to countless fans."
In a grim twist, Walker’s death came just days after he was the victim of an online death hoax. Several celebs and journalists took to Twitter hoping the new reports were another sick joke.
Walker entered show business when he was just a toddler. The actor is seen here modeling the Colcci summer collection with Erin Heatherton (left) and Izabel Goulart at Sao Paulo Fashion Week in Brazil on March 21. 

Andre Penner/AP

Walker entered show business when he was just a toddler. The actor is seen here modeling the Colcci summer collection with Erin Heatherton (left) and Izabel Goulart at Sao Paulo Fashion Week in Brazil on March 21. 

His “Fast and Furious” co-stars bared their heartbreak after his death was confirmed. “Brother, I will miss you very much,” Vin Diesel wrote on Instagram. “Heaven has gained a new Angel.”
“I am so beyond heartbroken right now,” James Wan, director of “Fast & Furious 7,” wrote on Facebook.
This photo, sent out on Nov. 29, was the last tweeted from Paul Walker's account before his death, showing him with co-starts Tyrese Gibson and Vin Diesel: "The boys are back. Will you be ready? - #TeamPW #FastFridays."

Paul Walker via Twitter

This photo, sent out on Nov. 29, was the last tweeted from Paul Walker's account before his death, showing him with co-starts Tyrese Gibson and Vin Diesel: "The boys are back. Will you be ready? - #TeamPW #FastFridays."

Walker, raised a Mormon in the Los Angeles suburb of Sunland-Tujunga, entered show business when he was just a toddler. He scored roles in popular TV shows, including “Highway to Heaven,” and “Who’s the Boss?” His film career took off after he snagged a supporting role in the 1999 hit “Varsity Blues.”
"The Fast and the Furious" cast members Paul Walker, Vin Diesel and Michelle Rodriguez (left to right) arrive at the world premiere of the film on June 18, 2001, in Los Angeles. The franchise had seven total films.


"The Fast and the Furious" cast members Paul Walker, Vin Diesel and Michelle Rodriguez (left to right) arrive at the world premiere of the film on June 18, 2001, in Los Angeles. The franchise had seven total films.

Walker leaves behind a daughter, Meadow, 15. In his last tweet, on Friday, he posted a photo of him, Diesel and co-star Tyrese Gibson. “The boys are back,” read the message hyping the release of the seventh in the “Fast and Furious” franchise. “Will you be ready?”
With Nancy Dillon and Joe Stepansky 
Paul Walker in "Vehicle 19."

Forefront Media Group

Paul Walker in "Vehicle 19."

On a mobile device? Watch the video from the scene of the accident here.
Watch the video of the news report here.
Paul Walker, as agent Brian O'Conner, leans against his 1998 Nissan Skyline GTR in a scene from "The Fast and the Furious."

Jaimie Trueblood/Universal Pictures via AP

Paul Walker, as agent Brian O'Conner, leans against his 1998 Nissan Skyline GTR in a scene from "The Fast and the Furious."

No Apple Store Black Friday discounts in US; have a gift card instead

No Apple Store Black Friday discounts in US; have a gift card instead
This might be a disaster zone come tomorrow
Update: Black Friday deals have gone live around the world, and it seems Apple Stores are offering gift cards instead of discounts only in some regions. In the UK and some European countries, Apple is actually offering discounts. The US Apple Store website, meanwhile, is offering gift cards that match the ones listed in the Australian store.
Original story follows…
If you're in the US or Australia, Apple stores will offer gift cards on Black Friday instead of the discounts expected by shoppers. For those of you in the UK, it's discounts all the way.
The day after Thanksgiving, also known as Black Friday, is a day of blissful debauchery for eager shoppers, who swarm retail stores in the wee hours of the morning and all through the day in search of unprecedented once-a-year deals.
But unlike years past, Apple won't offer discounts this time for the US and Australia. Instead, shoppers will receive Apple Store gift cards with select purchases.
The coupons are available to shoppers both in Apple's retail stores and online, including in regions outside the US. In fact, Australian shoppers can see them now.

Raw deals

We won't know the exact values of the coupons being offered outside Australia until the promotion goes live in other regions, but shoppers down under who buy any MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, or iMac will get an AU$150 ($136, £83) gift card.
The iPad Air, on the other hand, comes with an AU$75 ($68, £41) gift card, while the iPad mini, iPad 2 and iPod touch come with a mere AU$50 ($46, £27).
Even further down the ladder is the iPod nano, which comes with just AU$25 ($23, £13).
Gift cards also come with third-party products like the Olloclip, Parrot AR.Drone, the Fitbit Flex, and Beats headphones.
Apple no doubt figures it will make out just fine tomorrow anyway, what with the hordes of shoppers who will inevitably appear with cash in hand ready to make a purchase.
Hopefully Apple Stores survive the ire of those mobs of shoppers when employees try to hand them gift cards instead of discounts.
Of course, if you really want a discounted Apple product, plenty of other retailers will no doubt be offering the deals Black Friday shoppers expect.

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