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- YOUR FREEDOM দিয়ে ANDROID এ Grameen Phone ফ্রি নেট ব্যাবহার করুন।( ScreenShot সহ বিস্তারিত)
Grameen phone দিয়ে your
freedom ব্যাবহার করে ফ্রি নেট ব্রাউসিং এবং ডাউনলোড করতে পারবেন।
এর জন্য যা যা লাগবেঃ-
১) গ্রামীণ সিম।
২) Android Jelly Bean এবং এর উপরের ভার্সন
১) প্রথমে এখান থেকে your freedom download করুন।
২) এখান থেকে registration করুন।
৩) এবার আপনি যে কোন MB কিনুন। MB কেনার জন্য ডায়াল করুন *১১১*৬*১# ।
অথবা আপনি pay as you go ব্যাবহার করতে পারেন। এর জন্য ডায়াল করুন *৫০০*১#।
(আমি এটা ব্যাবহার করি। কিন্তু সমস্যা একটাই ৩০ মেগার পরেই নেট disconnect হয়ে যায়।)
৪)এবার your freedom open করুন। অপশন থেকে account informationএ যান। আপনার
username এবং password দিন।
তারপর server connection এ যান। your freedom server দিন
ems19.your-freedom.de, connection mode দিন DNS এবং port দিন 80. নিচের
screenshot দেখুন।
৬) ব্যাক ক্লিক করে কানেক্ট এ ক্লিক করুন। কানেক্ট হবে।
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আছে try before you buy! free তে ক্লিক করে ১ ঘণ্টা আপনি ফুল স্পিডে নেট
ইউস করতে পারবেন। নিচের ছবি দেখেন।
আপনার যত একাউন্ট থাকবে তত ঘণ্টা আপনি ফ্রি চালাতে পারবেন। অর্থাৎ ২৪ টা
একাউন্ট দিয়া ২৪ ঘণ্টা। এটা দিয়া মোটামুটি সব এপ চালানো যায়।
তাইলে আর কি ফ্রি নেট চালান ধুমাইয়া।
We're not entirely sure we understand why someone would fake their death and cause their family and even the world all that grief! We understand it LESS when someone accuses a person who was taken so soon of doing such a deplorable thing!
Deceased Paul Walker has been accused of faking his own death with Roger Rodas in the fiery accident that occurred on November 30th.
The article on Nosinfo.com claims the Fast & Furious actor's family and friends are all pulling a fast one the world, claiming:
They are all lying. Paul Walker didn’t die. Nor did Roger Rodas. They are both alive and well, and their relatives well know it.WTF?! Boo! All kinds of BOOOOO!
It has already been established that the relatives of Paul Walker are involved in a cover-up, that is the cover-up of faking the actor’s death. It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, here, that the accident is a fabrication and that there wasn’t any real car crash. Rather, what is seen is imagery of a man-made car fire and a car pre-placed in position to be incinerated: without either Walker or Rodas inside.
This is just a terrible accusation to make. We don't know what's worse, shopping around photos of the deceased actor or trying to prove his death to be illegitimate?
- See more at: http://perezhilton.com/2013-12-27-paul-walker-death-fake-insensitive-claims-reports-accusations#sthash.u8JvhI19.dpuf
We're not entirely sure we understand why someone would fake their death and cause their family and even the world all that grief! We understand it LESS when someone accuses a person who was taken so soon of doing such a deplorable thing!
Deceased Paul Walker has been accused of faking his own death with Roger Rodas in the fiery accident that occurred on November 30th.
The article on Nosinfo.com claims the Fast & Furious actor's family and friends are all pulling a fast one the world, claiming:
They are all lying. Paul Walker didn’t die. Nor did Roger Rodas. They are both alive and well, and their relatives well know it.WTF?! Boo! All kinds of BOOOOO!
It has already been established that the relatives of Paul Walker are involved in a cover-up, that is the cover-up of faking the actor’s death. It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, here, that the accident is a fabrication and that there wasn’t any real car crash. Rather, what is seen is imagery of a man-made car fire and a car pre-placed in position to be incinerated: without either Walker or Rodas inside.
This is just a terrible accusation to make. We don't know what's worse, shopping around photos of the deceased actor or trying to prove his death to be illegitimate?
And what would Paul or Roger gain from faking their death anyway?
Fans took to Twitter to express their feelings about this heartless report. A few tweeted:
- See more at: http://perezhilton.com/2013-12-27-paul-walker-death-fake-insensitive-claims-reports-accusations#sthash.u8JvhI19.dpuf
We're not entirely sure we understand why someone would fake their death and cause their family and even the world all that grief! We understand it LESS when someone accuses a person who was taken so soon of doing such a deplorable thing!
Deceased Paul Walker has been accused of faking his own death with Roger Rodas in the fiery accident that occurred on November 30th.
The article on Nosinfo.com claims the Fast & Furious actor's family and friends are all pulling a fast one the world, claiming:
They are all lying. Paul Walker didn’t die. Nor did Roger Rodas. They are both alive and well, and their relatives well know it.WTF?! Boo! All kinds of BOOOOO!
It has already been established that the relatives of Paul Walker are involved in a cover-up, that is the cover-up of faking the actor’s death. It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, here, that the accident is a fabrication and that there wasn’t any real car crash. Rather, what is seen is imagery of a man-made car fire and a car pre-placed in position to be incinerated: without either Walker or Rodas inside.
This is just a terrible accusation to make. We don't know what's worse, shopping around photos of the deceased actor or trying to prove his death to be illegitimate?
And what would Paul or Roger gain from faking their death anyway?
Fans took to Twitter to express their feelings about this heartless report. A few tweeted:
- See more at: http://perezhilton.com/2013-12-27-paul-walker-death-fake-insensitive-claims-reports-accusations#sthash.u8JvhI19.dpuf
We're not entirely sure we understand why someone would fake their death and cause their family and even the world all that grief! We understand it LESS when someone accuses a person who was taken so soon of doing such a deplorable thing!
Deceased Paul Walker has been accused of faking his own death with Roger Rodas in the fiery accident that occurred on November 30th.
The article on Nosinfo.com claims the Fast & Furious actor's family and friends are all pulling a fast one the world, claiming:
They are all lying. Paul Walker didn’t die. Nor did Roger Rodas. They are both alive and well, and their relatives well know it.WTF?! Boo! All kinds of BOOOOO!
It has already been established that the relatives of Paul Walker are involved in a cover-up, that is the cover-up of faking the actor’s death. It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, here, that the accident is a fabrication and that there wasn’t any real car crash. Rather, what is seen is imagery of a man-made car fire and a car pre-placed in position to be incinerated: without either Walker or Rodas inside.
This is just a terrible accusation to make. We don't know what's worse, shopping around photos of the deceased actor or trying to prove his death to be illegitimate?
And what would Paul or Roger gain from faking their death anyway?
Fans took to Twitter to express their feelings about this heartless report. A few tweeted:
- See more at: http://perezhilton.com/2013-12-27-paul-walker-death-fake-insensitive-claims-reports-accusations#sthash.u8JvhI19.dpuf
We're not entirely sure we understand why someone would fake their death and cause their family and even the world all that grief! We understand it LESS when someone accuses a person who was taken so soon of doing such a deplorable thing!
Deceased Paul Walker has been accused of faking his own death with Roger Rodas in the fiery accident that occurred on November 30th.
The article on Nosinfo.com claims the Fast & Furious actor's family and friends are all pulling a fast one the world, claiming:
They are all lying. Paul Walker didn’t die. Nor did Roger Rodas. They are both alive and well, and their relatives well know it.WTF?! Boo! All kinds of BOOOOO!
It has already been established that the relatives of Paul Walker are involved in a cover-up, that is the cover-up of faking the actor’s death. It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, here, that the accident is a fabrication and that there wasn’t any real car crash. Rather, what is seen is imagery of a man-made car fire and a car pre-placed in position to be incinerated: without either Walker or Rodas inside.
This is just a terrible accusation to make. We don't know what's worse, shopping around photos of the deceased actor or trying to prove his death to be illegitimate?
And what would Paul or Roger gain from faking their death anyway?
Fans took to Twitter to express their feelings about this heartless report. A few tweeted:
- See more at: http://perezhilton.com/2013-12-27-paul-walker-death-fake-insensitive-claims-reports-accusations#sthash.u8JvhI19.dpuf
We're not entirely sure we understand why someone would fake their death and cause their family and even the world all that grief! We understand it LESS when someone accuses a person who was taken so soon of doing such a deplorable thing!
Deceased Paul Walker has been accused of faking his own death with Roger Rodas in the fiery accident that occurred on November 30th.
The article on Nosinfo.com claims the Fast & Furious actor's family and friends are all pulling a fast one the world, claiming:
They are all lying. Paul Walker didn’t die. Nor did Roger Rodas. They are both alive and well, and their relatives well know it.WTF?! Boo! All kinds of BOOOOO!
It has already been established that the relatives of Paul Walker are involved in a cover-up, that is the cover-up of faking the actor’s death. It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, here, that the accident is a fabrication and that there wasn’t any real car crash. Rather, what is seen is imagery of a man-made car fire and a car pre-placed in position to be incinerated: without either Walker or Rodas inside.
This is just a terrible accusation to make. We don't know what's worse, shopping around photos of the deceased actor or trying to prove his death to be illegitimate?
And what would Paul or Roger gain from faking their death anyway?
Fans took to Twitter to express their feelings about this heartless report. A few tweeted:
- See more at: http://perezhilton.com/2013-12-27-paul-walker-death-fake-insensitive-claims-reports-accusations#sthash.u8JvhI19.dpuf