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free তে শিখুন প্র্যাকটিক্যাল SEO, ছবিসহ একটি ধারাবাহিক টিউটোরিয়াল !!! Part:07

সম্পূর্ন বাংলা ভাষায় এবং ফ্রি).......ভাববেন না আবার ফ্রিতে আলকাতরা দিচ্ছি......... :lol:
}-বাংলায় প্র্যাকটিক্যাল SEO শেখার একটি ধারাবাহিক টিউটোরিয়াল-{ Learn to SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

বর্তমান সময়ে ওয়েবসাইট ব্যান্ডিং এর ক্ষেত্রে সর্বপ্রথম যেটার কথা চিন্তা করা হয় সেটা হল সোশ্যাল বুকমার্কিং।
সোশ্যাল বুকমার্কিং এর গুরুত্ব ওয়েব মাস্টাররা সবাই জানেন, সাইটের seo করতে এর বিকল্প নেই।
সোশ্যাল বুকমার্কিং এর সুবিধা সমূহ:
• খুব সহজেই যেকোন ধরনের লিংক শেয়ার ও সংরক্ষণ করা যায়।
• সোশ্যাল বুকমার্কিং আমদের সাইটের জন্য লিংক বিল্ডিং এর কাজ করে থাকে।
• "DoFollow Backling" পাওয়া যায়।
• মানসম্পন্ন ভিজিটর পাওয়া যায়।
• দ্রত পোস্ট ইন্ডেক্সিং করানর জন্য বুকমার্কিং এর জুরি নাই।
• ফ্রিল্যান্সিং-এ সোশ্যাল বুকমার্কিং এর কাজের অনেক দাম রয়েছে। যা কিনা যা কেউ এই কাজটি অনায়াসে করতে পারে।
• সোশ্যাল শেয়ারিং বাটন এর মাধ্যমে যে কোন সাইট থেকেই খুব সহজেই লিংক বুকমার্কিং করা যার।
• আর তো সাইটের জন্য কাংক্ষিত ভিজিটর পাবেন-ই
যাই হোক কথা না বাড়িয়ে আমি আজকে দেখাবো কিভাবে লিংক হুইল কাজ করে কিভাবে আপনার লিংক হুইল করবেন তা নিয়ে আজকের আয়োজন।
আপনাদের শেখার জন্য পিডিএফ আকারে প্রতিটি ক্লাশ দেয়া হবে, যেখানে চিত্রের মাধ্যমে বুঝানো হয়েছে কিভাবে কাজটি করতে হবে। আশাকরি সহজেই বুঝতে পারবেন।
বইটিতে আরও পাবেন.......৩০০ সোস্যাল বুকমার্কিং সাইটের লিষ্ট........ মোট পৃষ্ঠা সংখ্যা- ২৩, সাইজ: ৩ মেগাবাইট।
বাংলা লেখায় কোন ভুল-ভ্রান্তি হলে মার্জনীয়....
নিচের লিংকগুলো থেকে আজকের ক্লাশের বইগুলো ডাউনলোড করে নিন। আমি দুইটি লিংকে এগুলো শেয়ার করেছি, যার যেটা সুবিধা সেটাতেই ট্রাই করেন।
ডাউনলোড কপি.কম লিংকঃ https://copy.com/m9TFYVowsX3W
ডাউনলোড ড্রপবক্স.কম লিংকঃ https://www.dropbox.com/s/iw89496bpmx9xxg/Social%20Bookmarking.pdf
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বাংলালিংক 3G ফ্রি নেট! পিসি এবং মোবাইলে! (২য় খন্ড)

বি:দ্র: ৩জি প্রযুক্তির জন্য আপনাকে ৩জি নেটওর্য়াকের এরিয়ার ভিতর থাকতে হবে!

আসুন শুরু করি।


আমার বাংলালিংক মডেম নাই। তাই জিপি মোডেমে কনফিগারেশন টা করে দিলাম। আপনার কাছে যেই মডেলের যেই ব্যান্ডের মডেম আছে তাতেই কনফিগারেশন টা করে নিবেন। কাজ হবে (যদি করতে পারেন আর কি)!  8-)
> মডেম কনফিগারেশন: প্রোফাইল নিজের মতো একটি নাম দিবেন > APN type দিবেন Static > APN ঘরে লিখবেন blwap> এবং সবশেষে Access Number ঘরে লিখবেন *99***1#
> মডেম কনফিগারেশন: প্রোফাইল নিজের মতো একটি নাম দিবেন > APN type দিবেন Static > APN ঘরে লিখবেন blwap> এবং সবশেষে Access Number ঘরে লিখবেন *99***1#
এবার এই কনফিগটা দিয়ে মডেম কানেক্ট দিন।
এরপর নিচের ফাইলটা ডাউনলোড করে নিন:


ডাউনলোড করার পর ফাইলটি আনজিপ করুন। এরপর দেখবেন সেটিং নামে একটি প্রোগ্রাম ফাইল রয়েছে। সেটায় ডাবল ক্লিক করে ওপেন করুন। এখানে নিচের মতো করে নিন:
সেটিং: ম্যানুয়াল প্রোক্সি ঘরে লিখুন আর Port ঘরে লিখুন 80

> সেটিং: ম্যানুয়াল প্রোক্সি ঘরে লিখুন আর Port ঘরে লিখুন 80
তারপর ওপেরা মিনি ৭.১ প্রোগ্রামে ক্লিক করুন ।
এখানে সেটিং করে নিন:

> Proxy Type অংশে HTTP নির্বাচন করুন।
> Proxy Sever ঘরে লিখুন 0.facebook.com ( লিখতে পারেন স্পিড কম মনে হলে)
এবার সেভ করে এই স্ক্রিণ বার বার দেখতে না চাইলে Show on Start ঘরে টিক চিহ্ন উঠিয়ে দিন।
আর কিছু লাগবে না!! স্বাভাবিক ভাবে ব্রাউজ শুরু করুন। ডাউনলোড করুন আনলিমিটেড। ডাউনলোডকৃত ফাইলগুলো আপনি filesystem ফোল্ডারে পাবেন।


প্রথমে মোবাইলের নেটওর্য়্যাক অপশনের কানেক্টশন সেটিং য়ে নিচের মতো করে কনফিগারেশন করে নিন:

Name : Whatever you wish
APN : internet
Proxy :
Port : 80

এই সেটিং দিয়ে যেকোনো অফিসিয়াল অপেরা মিনিতে ফ্রি নেট ব্যবহার করা যাবে। কোনো হ্যান্ডলার সংস্করণ লাগবে না।
> উপরের কনফিগারেশনকৃত সেটিং দিয়ে যেকোনো অফিসিয়াল অপেরা মিনিতে প্রবেশ করুন
> এড্রেস বারে লিখুন opera:config
> নতুন একটি পেজ আসবে। সেখানে Loading Timeout ঘরে 3600 লিখুন এবং Minimum phone number length ঘরে ৯ নির্বাচন করুন। এরপর সেভ বাটনে ক্লিক করে পেজ হতে বেরিয়ে আসুন
>  এখন অপেরার সেটিং মেনু তে গিয়ে Setting>Advance>Protocol>HTTP নির্বাচন করুন।

ব্যাস এবার ব্রাউজিং করুন 0.facebook.com এ গিয়ে। ফ্রি! অন্য সাইট দেখতে চাইলে ফেসবুকে কমন্টে করুন সেই সাইটের নাম আর ডাউনলোড করতে চাইলে এই প্রোক্সি সাইট টি ব্যবহার করুন hideme.bd
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বাংলালিংক সিম দিয়ে পিসিতে Mozila, IDM, Skype ফ্রিতে চালান

বাংলালিংক সিম দিয়ে পিসিতে Mozila, IDM, Skype ফ্রিতে চালান ।
আস্সালামু আলাইকুম । কেমন আছেন সবাই । আশা করি ভালো না কারন বর্তমানে পিসিতে ফ্রি নেট নিভু নিভু । তাই এই বান্দা আবারও হাজির হল নতুন একটা টিক্স নিয়ে ।
এই টিক্স দিয়ে আপনি পিসিতে যে কোন সফটওয়্যার ফ্রিতে চালাতে পারবেন ।
তো আসুন শুরু করি ।
প্রথমে পিসিতে ।
দিয়ে নেট কানেক্ট দিন ।
এখন নিচের থেকে Tools টা ডাউনলোড করুন ।
Inject Header Query.zip এর ভিতরে BL Config.ihq আছে । সেটা যে কোন  ড্রাইবে করুন ।
এখন ডাউনলোড করা টুলসটা ওপেন করুন এবং File->Load এ যান ।
এবার BL Config.ihq সিলেট করুন ।
এখন Start এ ক্লিক করে এটা মিনিমাইজ করুন ।
এবার  Proxifer ওপেন করুন ।
এখন এটা ওপেন করে Profile->proxy server এ যান । এখন add এ ক্লিক করে নিচের মত সেটিংস করুন ।
Port: 8080
Cheak on HTTPS
এবার OK দিন ।
আবার Profile->proxiferation ruls এ যান ।
Name: ihq
এবার Browse এ ক্লিক করে যেখানে Inject header quary tools টা আছে ।ওখানে গিয়ে ওটা সিলেক্ট করে Open এ ক্লিক করুন ।
এবার Action এ Direct করে OK করুন ।
ব্যাস কাজ শেষ । চলুন মজিলাটা কন্ফিগার করে নেই ।
manual proxy তে টিক দিন ।
HTTP Proxy:
Port: 8080
Use this proxy for all protocol এ টিক চিহ্ন দিন ।
এবার OK ।
IDM এ উপরের মত করে কন্ফিগ করে নিবেন ।
ব্যাস আর দেরি ক্যানো । এখোনি শুরু করে দিন Big বাঁশ ।
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Banglalink free unlimited internet 100%

টেকটিউনস এর সকল মেম্বার দের জানাই সালাম।
আসসালামু আ্লাইকুম।
আশা করি সবাই ভাল আছেন ।
জিপি ফ্রী ইন্টারনেট বন্দ হয়ে আমরা যারা ফ্রী ইন্টারনেট ব্যবহার করি
তাদের খুব সমস্যা হচ্ছে । তাই আপনাদের জন্য বাংলালিংক ফ্রী
ইন্টারনেট নিয়ে হাজির হলাম । আশা করি ভাল লাগবে ।
তাহলে চলুন শুরু করা যাক
আপনার যা যা লাগবেঃ
১। একটি বাংলালিংক সিম ।
২। একটি প্যাকেজ একটিভ করুন টাকা লাগবে না ।[p1 লিখে 3343 number এ মাসেজ পাঠিয়ে দিন]
এই বার আসল কাজে আসি -
১। প্রথমে এখান থেকে Inject Header Query software ডাউনলোড
করে extract করুন ।
২। আবার এখান থেকে
Proxifire soft টা ডাউনলোড করেন এবং Setup দেন।এটা ওপেন করলে সিরিয়াল কী চাইবে ।
সিরিয়াল কী দেন= ZNZWL-6YEQB-3WC3X-99ZU6-RNDVB
৩। এরপর সিমটি মডেম এ ঢুকান তার পর মডেম সেটিং করুনঃ Tools>options>profile management এ গিয়ে new profile খুলুন
profile name=BL FREE,APN=blwap,access number=*99# দিয়ে ok করে modem connect করুন । নিচে Screenshot দেওয়া
হল ।

৪। এবার Inject Header Query টা ওপেন করেন,'Main' ট্যাব এ 'Use Query' আর 'Use Proxy' টা Mark করেন
'Start' এর আগের ফাঁকা ঘর এ লিখুন '8080' । আর দেওয়া Screenshot এর মত করে সব সেট করেন।

৫। এবার দ্বিতীয় ট্যাব 'Server' এ ক্লিক করেন এবং Proxy- আর তার পার্শের ঘর এ Port-8799 দিন।
সবশেষে 'Net Data' তে 'Front' Option টা মার্ক করে দিন। আর দেওয়া Screenshot এর মত করে সব সেট করেন।

৬। এবার আসেন ৪নং ট্যাব 'Query' তে। এই ট্যাব এ 'Front Query' Option টা মার্ক করেন এবং 'Front Query' দিন
'0.facebook.com@' । তারপর 'X-Online-H' টা মার্ক করেন এবং 'X-Online-H' দিন 'm.banglalink.com.bd'।
আর দেওয়া Screenshot এর মত করে সব সেট করেন।

৭। এবার 'File' এ click দিয়ে 'save' করে দিন। Main ট্যাব থেকে 'Start' এ click দিয়ে ওটা Minimize করে দিন।
আর দেওয়া Screenshot এর মত করে সব সেট করেন।

**এখন Proxifire টা ওপেন করেন আর Screenshot এর মত করে সব সেট করেন।**
৮। Proxifire টা ওপেন করার পর, 'profile' এ click দেন এবং 'proxy servers' এ click করেন।
আর দেওয়া Screenshot এর মত করে সব সেট করেন
৯। proxy servers এ click দেওয়ার পর একটা ছোট্ট BOX আসবে সেটার 'add' এ click করেন। আর দেওয়া Screenshot
এর মত করে সব সেট করেন। আর দেওয়া Screenshot এর মত করে সব সেট করেন।

১০। 'add' এ click দেওয়ার পর একটা BOX আসবে সেখানে 'address' দেন আর 'port' দেন 8080 । Protocol
সিলেক্ট করেন 'HTTPS' দিয়ে 'ok' করে দিন। আর দেওয়া Screenshot এর মত করে সব সেট করেন।

১১। আবার Proxifire এর profile এ click দেন এবং 'proxification Rules' এ click করেন।
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ধরুন আপনার সাইট যে বিষয়ে, তার প্রধান ইউজার টার্গেট যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে, অথচ আপনি বাংলাদেশ থেকে সেই ব্লগের পাতা খুললে যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের জন্য টার্গেট করা বিজ্ঞাপনগুলি দেখতে পাবেন না। কি করবেন, এর জন্যও কি প্রক্সি ব্যবহার করে পাতা দেখবেন? কতো দেশের প্রক্সি খুঁজবেন? না, এইসবের একেবারেই প্রয়োজন নেই, এই সুবিধা দিচ্ছে গুগল এডসেন্স প্রিভিউ টুল। ছোট্ট একটি রেজিস্ট্রি ফাইল, double click করে install করলেই ইন্টারনেট এক্সপ্লোরারে রাইট-ক্লিকে পেয়ে যাবেন এই টুল। এবারে আপনার কাঙ্খিত ব্লগ পাতা খুলুন, পাতার যেকোনো ফাঁকা অংশে রাইট-ক্লিক করুন এবং এই টুল খুলে নিন। নিচের ছবির মতো একটি উইন্ডো খুলবে।
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গুগল এডসেন্স প্রিভিউ টুল ইনস্টল পাতা - লিঙ্ক - (আনইনস্টল করার পদ্ধতিও একই পাতায় আছে)। এই এডসেন্স টুল সম্বন্ধে বিশদে জানতে গুগলের নিজস্ব বিবরণ এই পাতায় পাবেন - লিঙ্ক
যারা এই বিষয়ে ইতিমধ্যেই জানেন, তারাও মন্তব্যে আরো কিছু আলোকপাত করতে পারেন এবং অন্যদের জানাতে পারেন।
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ফেসবুকে আমি।
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Nifty accessories at Sitex 2013 Western Digital My Passport Ultra 2TB

This recently launched compact portable speaker is smaller than a soft drink can and weighs less than 300g, but don’t let that fool you. Its durable, diminutive casing contains two front-facing, full-range speakers and one bass radiator for enhanced audio performance. It can be easily paired with compatible devices via Bluetooth 3.0 and NFC technology.
D-Link Wireless N H.264 Day/Night Network Camera
Keep your home and loved ones safe with the DCS-5020L Wireless N H.264 Day/Night Network Camera. The camera’s built-in microphone activates when a sound is detected nearby while its repeater mode extends the WiFi signal to every room, so mobile devices or additional IP cameras can have the strongest possible WiFi connection.
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The Western Digital My Passport Ultra 2TB delivers fast USB 3.0 performance and high capacity in a compact design. Its WD SmartWare Pro app helps you schedule automatic backups to the drive itself or to the cloud via Dropbox.
It also offers password protection with hardware encryption to help keep your data private. A three-year limited warranty protect your investment, making this ideal for anyone who needs to take their digital content on the road. The drive is available in black, blue, red and titanium and in capacities ranging from 500GB to 2TB.

India vs West Indies 2013 Live Cricket Score, 3rd ODI at Kanpur: India win by 5 wickets

Shikhar Dhawan completed his fifth century in ODIs on Wednesday © Getty Images (File photo)
Nov 27, 2013

IND 266/5 | Overs 46.1 | Jadeja 2*, Dhoni 23*

It's all over! Dhoni pierces the field with a cracking shot for a boundary on the off-side, sealing a series win with a margin of 2-1 for India.

IND 262/5 | Overs 46 | Jadeja 2*, Dhoni 19*

India making heavy weather of this chase? Certainly not. The batsmen aren't going for big shots, and are instead preferring to get there through singles. Only seven runs have been scored in last 18 balls.

IND 260/5 | Overs 45 | Jadeja 1*, Dhoni 18*

Only a single taken in the 45th over of the match. India need four runs to win.

IND 259/5 | Overs 44 | Jadeja 0*, Dhoni 18*

MS Dhoni gets a boundary off Jason Holder as India are now one hit away from win.

IND 255/5 | Overs 43 | Dhoni 13* OUT! Raina 34(43)

Raina chases one outside the off-stump as Dwayne Bravo picks up his second wicket in the game. The Indians are brink of another series win, with nine runs more needed off 42 balls.

IND 251/4 | Overs 42 | Raina 31*, Dhoni 13*

Raina gets a boundary off Holder's first ball. The West Indies pacer is clearly struggling today. Another couple of singles help India bring down the equation to 13 runs needed off 48 balls.

IND 242/4 | Overs 41 | Raina 23*, Dhoni 12*

The Indian captain gets a boundary off Rampaul through the deep square leg region as India add another seven runs to their total. They now need 22 runs from 54 balls to win.

IND 235/4 | Overs 40 | Raina 21*, Dhoni 7*

Only four runs scored off Holder's over as India doesn't seem to be in a hurry. India need 29 runs to win from last 10 overs.

IND 230/4 | Overs 39 | Raina 20*, Dhoni 4*

Dhoni and Raina garner six more runs off Ravi Rampaul as India are comfortably moving close to a win. From 66 balls, they need a further 34 more runs to win.

IND 224/4 | Overs 38 | Raina 18*, Dhoni 1* OUT! Dhawan 119(95)

OUT! Dhawan falls after a splendid knock of 119 which came from only 95 balls, including 20 boundaries. The Indian batsman tries to chip over the bowler Dwayne Bravo, has the bat twisted and a mistimed stroke gives an easy catch to the West Indies captain. Raina gets a boundary on the fine-leg region. India need a further 40 runs to win from 72 balls.

IND 218/3 | Overs 37 | Raina 14*, Dhawan 119*

Permaul is operating from one end as he has bowled only four overs so far in this chase. India need a further 46 runs to win from 78 balls.

IND 215/3 | Overs 36 | Raina 13*, Dhawan 117*

Dhawan cracks a boundary through the covers as India are inching closer to another series win. They now need 49 runs to win from 84 balls. Dhawan is batting on 117, which is his highest score in ODIs.

IND 207/3 | Overs 35 | Raina 11*, Dhawan 111*

Permaul contines from the other end as India batsmen continue to score freely. Raina puts away a full toss outside the off-stump for a boundary as six runs come from the over. India need 57 runs to win from 15 overs.

IND 201/3 | Overs 34 | Raina 5*, Dhawan 108*

India cross the 200-run mark in the 34th over of their chase. While batting first, the West Indies had done so in the 44th over of their innings. Three runs scored off Dwayne Bravo.

IND 198/3 | Overs 33 | Raina 5*, Dhawan 108*

Left-arm spinner Veerasammy Permaul comes back in the attack as the Indian batsmen take four runs off him in his second over. India now need 66 runs to win from 17 overs.

IND 194/3 | Overs 32 | Raina 3*, Dhawan 106*

Three runs come from Dwayne Bravo's fifth over in the match. India need a further 70 runs to win from 18 overs.

IND 191/3 | Overs 31 | Raina 1*, Dhawan 105* OUT! Yuvraj 55(73)

Finally, Sunil Narine has his man. Yuvraj Singh leans forward to defend but the ball takes the outside edge and lands into Dwayne Bravo's safe pair of hands. The new man in, birthday boy Suresh Raina, makes it evident on the first two balls that he too is going to struggle against the West Indies spinner.

IND 190/2 | Overs 30 | Yuvraj 55*, Dhawan 105* 

India are cruising now. Yuvraj and Dhawan get a boundary each as India add another nine runs off Dwayne Bravo to their total. They now need 74 runs from 120 balls.

IND 181/2 | Overs 29 | Yuvraj 50*, Dhawan 101* 

There it is! After a string of failures, Yuvraj Singh has bounced back with a industrious half-century, and Shikhar Dhawan completes his fifth century in ODIs! The two left-handers have added 120 runs for the third wicket.

IND 173/2 | Overs 28 | Yuvraj 49*, Dhawan 94* 

Yuvraj remain not out on 49. It's been really tough for the all-rounder to get going today, but he hung around, battled Narine, and is on the brink of completing his 50th half-century in ODIs. India score five runs off Dwayne Bravo.

IND 168/2 | Overs 27 | Yuvraj 45*, Dhawan 93* 

Narine's eighth over in the game yeilds only two runs to the home side, who now need a further 96 runs to win from 23 overs with eight wickets in hand.

IND 166/2 | Overs 26 | Yuvraj 44*, Dhawan 92* 

Yuvraj and Dhawan bring up their 100-run partnership for the third wicket with a boundary each off Rampaul. The West Indians make a half-hearted appeal for caught behind against Dhawan on a ball that angled in sharply, but umppire Rod Tucker wasn't interested. Dhawan breaks the shackles with another boundary as India add 13 more runs to their total.

IND 153/2 | Overs 25 | Yuvraj 39*, Dhawan 84* 

Narine changes end and Yuvraj welcomes him with a whip towards the midwicket for a boundary. The bowler, however, bounces back by beating Yuvraj on a couple of occasions with spin and even gets an outside edge that falls short of the first slip.

IND 147/2 | Overs 24 | Yuvraj 34*, Dhawan 84* 

West Indies captain Dwayne Bravo recalls Ravi Rampaul in to the attack, looking for a wicket. However, Dhawan and Yuvraj remained unperturbed as they garner six runs from his seventh over in the game. India now need 116 runs to win from 156 balls.

IND 141/2 | Overs 23 | Yuvraj 32*, Dhawan 79* 

Dhawan looks in splendid touch. The left-handed batsman first clobbers over extra cover fielder to collect a boundary, and follows it up with a sweep shot for four off Simmons.

IND 130/2 | Overs 22 | Yuvraj 30*, Dhawan 70* 

Veerasammy Permaul is thrashed for 14 runs in his first over as India seem to be picking up momentum against the slow bowlers. Dhawan scores two boundaries on the off-side as his partnership with Yuvraj for the third wicket is of 69 runs now.

IND 116/2 | Overs 21 | Yuvraj 28*, Dhawan 58* 

Indian batsmen scramble for four runs as Dwayne Bravo seeks the service of Lendl Simmons with the ball. India need a further 148 runs to win from 29 overs.

IND 112/2 | Overs 20 | Yuvraj 27*, Dhawan 56* 

Sunil Narine gets a couple of fielders around the bat to Yuvraj Singh and beats him one two occassions. A maiden for the Trinidadian spinner.

IND 112/2 | Overs 19 | Yuvraj 27*, Dhawan 56* 

Yuvraj gets going with two pull shots for boundaries on the midwicket area as India add another 11 runs to their total. India need 152 more runs from 31 overs. The partnership is now of 51 runs.

IND 101/2 | Overs 18 | Yuvraj 16*, Dhawan 56* 

Dhawan gets a thick outside edge off Narine  that flies past Sammy at the first slip, for a boundary. India are steady after the jolts early on, with Dhawan and Yuvraj extending their third-wicket stand to 40 runs. Six runs come from that over as India go past the 100-run mark.

IND 95/2 | Overs 17 | Yuvraj 15*, Dhawan 51* 

Shikhar Dhawan gets to his sixth half-century in One-Day Internationals (ODIs). Dhawan is batting on 51 off 44 balls, studded with nine boundaries. India need 169 more runs from 33 overs. Sammy's second over garners five runs to the home side.

IND 90/2 | Overs 16 | Yuvraj 14*, Dhawan 47* 

After a close call for leg-before, Yuvraj gets a few runs against Narine. The left-handed first pushes the ball behind the point region for a couple, and follows it up with a boundary on the third-man region.

IND 84/2 | Overs 15 | Yuvraj 8*, Dhawan 47* 

Darren Sammy replaces Ravi Rampaul at the other end. The former captain is smashed for a boundary by Shikhar Dhawan on the first ball. India add six more runs to their total. India need a further 180 runs to win from 35 overs.

IND 78/2 | Overs 14 | Yuvraj 7*, Dhawan 42* 

Narine is building pressure from the other end by not allowing the Indian batsmen to score runs against him. Another over wherein only one run was scored.

IND 77/2 | Overs 13 | Yuvraj 7*, Dhawan 41* 

Dhawan continues his assault against Holder, who was introduced back in the attack. The Indian opener smashes a boundary with a pull shot towards midwicket.

IND 70/2 | Overs 12 | Yuvraj 6*, Dhawan 35* 

Narine has made an impressive start. Only one run was scored off his second over as a few appeals were made.

IND 69/2 | Overs 11 | Yuvraj 6*, Dhawan 34* 

Yuvraj Singh gets a boundary off the second last ball in Rampaul's sixth over as India reach 69 for two after 11 overs. The hosts need a further 195 runs to win from 38 overs.

IND 64/2 | Overs 10 | Yuvraj 1*, Dhawan 34* 

Sunil Narine is introduced in the attack and he bowls an impressive first over. Only three runs come off it.

IND 61/2 | Overs 9 | Yuvraj 0*, Dhawan 32* OUT! Kohli 19(18)

HUGE WICKET! Ravi Rampaul has Virat Kohli back in the pavilion after a loose shot. Kohli wanted to leave a ball that was rising up and was close to his body, during the process it got deflected with the bat and wicketkeeper Johnson Charles took a simple catch.

IND 54/1 | Overs 8 | Virat 17*, Dhawan 31*

Kohli hits one in the air that flies away for a boundary. It was very close to the fielder at point. Dhawan smashes the second last ball of the over towards the extra cover, where a poor effort by Lendl Simmons gifts India a boundary.

IND 43/1 | Overs 7 | Virat 12*, Dhawan 25*

Kohli gets on the top of the ball to collect two runs through the off-side, but not before getting a boundary with an edge that flew over the slip cordon. India add six more runs to their total.

IND 37/1 | Overs 6 | Virat 6*, Dhawan 25*

Dwayne Bravo comes into the attack and he is milked for eight runs in that over. Kohli finds some rhythm with a cracking boundary behind point.

IND 29/1 | Overs 5 | Virat 0*, Dhawan 24* OUT! Rohit 4(14)

Ravi Rampaul gets the first wicket! Rohit once again falls to a loose shot outside the off-stump to the Caribbean pacer. The West Indies have drawn the first blood. A wicket maiden for the cricketer from Trinidad.

IND 29/0 | Overs 4 | Rohit 4*, Dhawan 24*

Holder continues to provide width to Dhawan, who is making the most of the opportunities. The Indian batsman gets two boundaries on the off-side. Nine runs come from Holder's second over in the match.

IND 20/0 | Overs 3 | Rohit 3*, Dhawan 16*

Dhawan seems to be in a terrific touch. The left-handed batsman cuts the final ball of Rampaul's second over for a boundary as India add another seven runs to their total. It's been a confident start by the home side.

IND 15/0 | Overs 2 | Rohit 2*, Dhawan 12*

Shikhar Dhawan flicks one down the leg for a boundary, and Jason Holder is punished further with another four as he keeps the ball on the batsman's pads. Poor line and length results in third boundary of the over, this time through the covers. Dhawan is off to a flier.

IND 2/0 | Overs 1 | Rohit 1*, Dhawan 0*

Ravi Rampaul starts off on an impressive note, giving away only two runs in his first over of the game. There was an half-hearted appeal for caught behind against Rohit Sharma, but neither the bowler nor umpire Anil Chaudhary looked interested.

WI 263/5 | Overs 50 | DM Bravo 51*, Sammy 37*

Darren Bravo smashes the first ball to a boundary, and the West Indies add another eight runs to their total to finish at a daunting total against India. Bravo completes his third consecutive half-century in this series.

WI 253/5 | Overs 49 | DM Bravo 43*, Sammy 35*

An expensive over by Mohit Sharma turns the tables. Sammy swats the first ball for a six and Bravo gets a boundary off the fourth ball of the over. Overall 17 runs added in the penultimate

WI 236/5 | Overs 48 | DM Bravo 38*, Sammy 24*

Perhaps the first mistake of his international career as an umpire by Anil Chaudhary, in his debut game. After being smashed for a six over mid-on, Shami bowls one outside the off stump and Darren Bravo gets a faint edge that was collected cleanly by Dhoni. The appeal was turned down by the umpire. Sammy rubs it in with another six over the sightscreen. A good over for the West Indies as 14 runs come off it.

WI 222/5 | Overs 47 | DM Bravo 31*, Sammy 17*

An excellent effort by Ravindra Jadeja with the ball. Only six runs conceded off his final over as the left-arm spinner finished with the figures of 10-0-49-1.

WI 216/5 | Overs 46 | DM Bravo 30*, Sammy 12*

Sammy slashes hard to get a boundary as the West Indies look to garner a few quick runs. Nine runs scored off Bhuvneshwar's eighth over of the match.

WI 207/5 | Overs 45 | DM Bravo 29*, Sammy 4*

Six runs scored off Jadeja's ninth over in the match. Bravo gets a boundary with a cut shot on the third ball.

WI 201/5 | Overs 44 | DM Bravo 24*, Sammy 3*

The 200 comes up for the West Indies in the 44th over. Shami keeps it tight, not allowing the batsmen to get away. The West Indies will now be hoping Darren Bravo and Sammy to hit a few quick runs.

WI 198/5 | Overs 43 | DM Bravo 23*, Sammy 1*

West Indies struggling to go past the 200-run mark, which ideally should have happened long time ago. They seem to have lost the plot. Another impressive over by Jadeja as only two runs come off it.

WI 196/5 | Overs 42 | DM Bravo 22*, Sammy 0* OUT! DJ Bravo 4(11)

Poor shot from West Indies captain Dwayne Bravo. He was in no position to play the shot and is back in the hit. Dwayne Bravo tries to hit over the extra cover fielder, and Ashwin takes a simple catch at sweeper cover position. Good over by Shami, as only two runs were given away and a wicket was taken.

WI 194/4 | Overs 41 | DM Bravo 21*, DJ Bravo 3*

Ravindra Jadeja keeps up the good work with the ball, not allowing the West Indies' batsmen to get away. Only four singles off the 41st over of the match.

WI 190/4 | Overs 40 | DM Bravo 19*, DJ Bravo 1*

The Bravos are at the crease now. The West Indies would not want to let go of an opportunity to set a big total. Three runs added off Shami.

WI 187/4 | Overs 39 | DM Bravo 17* OUT! Simmons 13(14)

One more wicket! Simmons, who had a fantastic outing in the second ODI at Visakhapatnam starts off well with two boundaries off Jadeja. But the Indian spinner has the final laugh, getting the Caribbean batsman caught behind by Dhoni. India pulling back things now.

WI 179/3 | Overs 38 | Simmons 5*, DM Bravo 17*

Darren Bravo and Lendl Simmons begin recovery for the West Indies, adding seven runs off Ravichandran Ashwin's final over in the game.

WI 172/3 | Overs 37 | Simmons 3*, DM Bravo 15*

West Indies batsmen scramble for three runs off Jadeja.

WI 169/3 | Overs 36 | Simmons 1*, DM Bravo 14* OUT! Samuels 71(93)

Sloppy footwork from Samuels costs him his wicket. Ashwin bowls outside the off-stump, and a sharp turn meant the ball clipped the bails to end the Caribbean batsman's stay at the crease. Batting powerplay was taken before the start of this over and Samuels had begun with a boundary off the first ball.

WI 164/2 | Overs 35 | Samuels 67*, DM Bravo 14*

Dhawan saves almost a certain boundary at long-on position as the West Indies take only three runs off Jadeja's fourth over in the match.

WI 161/2 | Overs 34 | Samuels 65*, DM Bravo 13*

One more chance to get a breakthrough missed by the Indians. One can say the fielding standards have slipped up a bit. DM Bravo hits in the air towards the long-on boundary, Yuvraj Singh the fielder at the crease, does not judges the ball properly as the ball sails over the ropes just over his head. A boundary off Ashwin's fourth ball helps West Indies take the run count to 12 from the over.

WI 149/2 | Overs 33 | Samuels 64*, DM Bravo 2*

Dropped! Virat Kohli spills a simple catch to get rid of Samuels off Jadeja at the first slip. The West Indies batsmen scramble for four more runs.

WI 145/2 | Overs 32 | Samuels 60*, DM Bravo 2*

Though he hasn't taken a wicket yet, Ashwin has been very, very impressive. Only one run scored off his seventh over.

WI 144/2 | Overs 31 | Samuels 59*, DM Bravo 2*

Samuels gets a boundary through the third-man area as the West Indies add another six runs to their total. Jadeja has been tight with the line.

WI 138/2 | Overs 30 | Samuels 54*, DM Bravo 1* OUT! Powell 70(81)

Powell falls after all the hard work! Raina comes around the wicket and bowls outside the off-stump. Powell goes for the sweep but a top edge means the left-hander perishes after a fluent knock of 70 off 81 balls. Shikhar Dhawan at short-fine leg takes an easy catch.

WI 137/1 | Overs 29 | Samuels 54*, Powell 70*

Ravindra Jadeja is in the attack for the first time in the day. An appeal for a leg-before is turned down by the umpire Rod Tucker. Samuels, meanwhile, completes his 23rd half-century in ODIs. The partnership between Samuels and Powell is of 117 runs now.

WI 130/1 | Overs 28 | Samuels 49*, Powell 68*

Powell once again gets a boundary with a similar shot that he played over the extra cover fielder in Raina's previous over. Earlier, Powell got a boundary with a top edge that went over 'keeper Dhoni. 11 runs scored in that over.

WI 119/1 | Overs 27 | Samuels 49*, Powell 58*

Ravichandran Ashwin has ensured that runs dry up from the end he is bowling. Only three runs added from that over. India are desperate for a breakthrough as the two batsmen are well set and can launch attack any time soon.

WI 116/1 | Overs 26 | Samuels 48*, Powell 56*

Powell comes down the track to loft the ball over the extra cover fielder to get a boundary. A good over for the West Indies as seven runs were scores off Raina.

WI 109/1 | Overs 25 | Samuels 46*, Powell 51*

Kieran Powell completes his half-centuy, which is second in as many games in this ODI series. Three more runs added of Ashwin's over.

WI 106/1 | Overs 24 | Samuels 45*, Powell 49*

Another half-hearted appeal in Suresh Raina's over, but the Indian bowlers are not creating much trouble for the Caribbean batsmen. Though the runs have dried up in past couple of overs, the batsmen do not look troubled.

WI 103/1 | Overs 23 | Samuels 44*, Powell 47*

Ashwin is getting into the rhythm. After being smashed for 11 runs in his first over, the right-arm spinner gives away only two runs in the second over and in his third, only one run

WI 102/1 | Overs 22 | Samuels 44*, Powell 46*

Suresh Raina continues from the other end as the West Indies batsmen bring up the 100 for their side in the 22nd over of the match. Ian Bishop in the commentary box thinks it's been a commendable effort from the Caribbean side.

WI 99/1 | Overs 21 | Samuels 43*, Powell 44*

Two runs come from Ashwin's second over of the match.

WI 97/1 | Overs 20 | Samuels 42*, Powell 43*

Birthday boy Suresh Raina comes in to the attack. Samuels gets a boundary on the second ball behind the point. Raina throws the ball on the non-striker's end after collecting a straight drive from Samuels and misses the stumps.

WI 91/1 | Overs 19 | Samuels 37*, Powell 42*

MS Dhoni brings in Ravichandran Ashwin, and his first over in the game gets 11 runs to the West Indians. On the second ball, Samuels dances down the track to hit the first six of the game over the long-on boundary, and ends the over with a boundary through the off-side.

WI 80/1 | Overs 18 | Samuels 27*, Powell 42*

Powell gets a boundary through the fine-leg area as the West Indies continue to make steady progress. Six runs came off the 18th over of the game from Mohit Sharma. There was an inside edge off the final ball, Powell survived as the ball fell short of MS Dhoni.

WI 74/1 | Overs 17 | Samuels 26*, Powell 37*

Shami bowls a maiden over. However, there was a nervous moment for Powell on the final ball of the over as he came down running half-way across the pitch, as Samuels denied the single. Powell dives but Yuvraj Singh's throw wasn't on the target.

WI 74/1 | Overs 16 | Samuels 26*, Powell 37*

West Indies batsmen are well set at the crease. Mohit continues after drinks but fails to make a mark. Two more runs added to the scoreboard.

WI 72/1 | Overs 15 | Samuels 25*, Powell 36*

Change of ends for Mohammed Shami doesn't work as he is clobbered for a boundary on the first ball by
Powell. Shami bounces back with a short ball and beating Samuels a few times.

Time for drinks.

WI 67/1 | Overs 14 | Samuels 25*, Powell 31*

Mohit Sharma comes back in the attack and is hit for a boundary by Samuels on the first ball. The West Indies batsman hasn't looked comfortable at the crease so far today. Nevertheless, Samuels improvises with a drive down the track to make it 10 from the over.

WI 57/1 | Overs 13 | Samuels 16*, Powell 30*

Five runs off the final ball of Bhuvneshwar's seventh over of the match gets West Indies another good over. Samuels dabs the ball and goes for a risky single, Bhuvneshwar goes to collect the ball and targets the non-striker's end. There's no one to back up and the ball races away to the boundary.

WI 51/1 | Overs 12 | Samuels 11*, Powell 29*

Powell is looking well-set at the crease as the southpaw brings up the fifty for the West Indies with a boundary on the on side. Shami hasn't troubled the West Indian batsmen in this innings so far. Six runs scored in the 12th over of the game.

WI 45/1 | Overs 11 | Samuels 10*, Powell 24*

Bhuvneshwar continues with his sixth over in the game, and it is an expensive one. West Indies batsmen scramble for two singles and Powell hits a boundary through the gap between point and extra cover fielder.

WI 39/1 | Overs 10 | Samuels 9*, Powell 19*

Mohammed Shami maintains good line and length, not allowing the West Indies batsmen to score runs easily. Only two runs added from the 10th over of the game.

WI 37/1 | Overs 9 | Samuels 8*, Powell 18*

Bhuvneshwar drops one short and Samuels pulls it over the midwicket area. Rohit Sharma, who was standing just in front of the square, dives to take the catch and gets his hands on the ball. It was a tough chance. Five runs added from the ninth over.

WI 32/1 | Overs 8 | Samuels 4*, Powell 17*

Mohammed Shami replaces Mohit Sharma in the bowling attack. Powell, who is standing way outside the crease, sees off a couple of first few deliveries and on the fourth ball of the over, slashes hard to hit his second boundary of the game.

WI 28/1 | Overs 7 | Samuels 4*, Powell 13*

Bhuvneshwar continues to trouble the West Indies batsmen with swing and late movement. Samuels, who gets a boundary through the slip cordon is beaten couple of times and survives a half-hearted leg-before.

WI 24/1 | Overs 6 | Samuels 0*, Powell 13*

Mohit keeps it tight on the first five balls of the over, but Powell breaks the shackles with a cracking drive four a boundary through covers.

WI 20/1 | Overs 5 | Samuels 0*, Powell 9* OUT! Charles 11(20)

There's the first wicket! Charles loses his leg-stump as Bhuvneshwar gets big swing with the ball, which pitches on the off-stump line but crashes into the leg. This was after Charles provided West Indies some momentum with a boundary over the fielders at cover region.

WI 16/0 | Overs 4 | Charles 7*, Powell 9*

An outside edge off Powell's bat falls short of Ravichandran Ashwin in the first slip. The West Indies openers haven't yet hit a boundary, but they have been steady in the start. Four more runs added from the fourth over of the innings.

WI 12/0 | Overs 3 | Charles 6*, Powell 6*

Powell collects three more runs off the penultimate ball of Bhuvneshwar's second over of the game, through the square leg side. Earlier in the over, the India seamer troubled Johnson Charles with movement of the ball on both the sides.

WI 8/0 | Overs 2 | Charles 5*, Powell 3*

Kieran Powell opens his account with three runs off Mohit Sharma in the second over through the square leg side. After giving away couple of runs, Mohit bounces back as he beats Powell outside the off-stump twice.

WI 4/0 | Overs 1 | Charles 4*, Powell 0*

Bhuvneshwar Kumar starts the proceedings for India. After an impressive first couple of balls with an outside edge falling short of the second slip, West Indies opener Johnson Charles cracks a boundary through the covers.

India captain MS Dhoni won the toss and elected to field against the West Indies in their third and final One-Day International (ODI) at Kanpur on Wednesday.


India: Shikhar Dhawan, Rohit Sharma, Virat Kohli, Suresh Raina, Yuvraj Singh, MS Dhoni (c & wk), Ravindra Jadeja, Ravichandran Ashwin, Mohit Sharma, Bhuvneshwar Kumar, Mohammed Shami.

West Indies: Kieran Powell, Johnson Charles (wk), Darren Bravo, Marlon Samuels, Dwayne Bravo (c), Lendl Simmons, Veerasammy Permaul, Darren Sammy, Sunil Narine, Jason Holder, Ravi Rampaul.

Hello and welcome to CricketCountry's coverage of the third and final One-Day International (ODI) match between India and West Indies 2013-14. The West Indies bounced back with a narrow two-wicket win at Visakhapatnam and they will be hoping for a win at Kanpur.

Good Morning, I am Devarchit Varma and I will bring you the over-by-over updates.

In the meanwhile you can read our preview here.

Catch live score and ball-by-ball commentary of the 3rd ODI between India and West Indies here
First Published: November 27, 2013, 8:31 am

Ian Watkins trial live: Lostprophets singer admits two charges of attempting to rape a baby Check out all the latest News, Sport & Celeb gossip at Mirror.co.uk

The rest of the Lostprophets have remained silent through much of the police investigation, but lead guitarist Lee Gaze took to Twitter today to express his relief at the outcome of the case.
That was over quick. Thank ****," he wrote.
"Thanks for the kind words. At least there is closure."
Attention in the police investigation is now turning to finding whether there are any other victims of Watkins' depraved abuse around the world.
The court case heard how Watkins encouraged a teenager in the US to fly to meet him dressed in a school uniform before filming her engaging in disgusting acts as his request.
You can read more about how the investigation will extend internationally here.
Here's an update of what's happened today:
* Lostprophets frontman Ian Watkins today pleaded guilty to 13 sex offences - including two of attempting to rape an 11-month-old baby. The paedophile rock star, aged 36 years, also admitted offences including sexually assaulting a child and conspiring to rape a child.
* Two female co-defendants, who cannot be identified, admitted sexually abusing their own children "at the behest of Ian Watkins". All three were ordered to sign the sex offenders' register by the judge, Mr Justice Royce, and they will be sentenced on December 18.
* Detective Chief Inspector Peter Doyle, South Wales Police's senior investigating officer in the case, said the investigation had uncovered "the most shocking and harrowing child abuse" he had ever seen. He said Watkins had "exploited his celebrity status in order to abuse young children" as he appealed for more potential victims and witnesses to come forward.
* Following today's convictions, at a hushed Cardiff crown court, NSPCC Wales national head of service Des Mannion said: "Ian Watkins clearly had a dangerous obsession with the most severe and extreme forms of child sex abuse. His global public profile provided him with access to impressionable young women who he was able to manipulate to feed his horrific desires.  The length of his sentence should reflect this terrible abuse of power."
* Catrin Evans, head of the complex casework unit at the Crown Prosecution Service, said the case demonstrated "sexual exploitation at its worst".
We've just received this statement from Des Mannion, the national head of service for NSPCC Wales.
“The desire to sexually abuse small babies is something most of us find too horrific to comprehend.
"However within the significant rise in the number of child abuse images being distributed online over the past year, agencies like CEOP have noted both an increase in their severity and a significant decline in the ages of the children involved.
"Ian Watkins clearly had a dangerous obsession with the most severe and extreme forms of child sex abuse. 
"His global public profile provided him with access to impressionable young women who he was able to manipulate to feed his horrific desires. 
"The length of his sentence should reflect this terrible abuse of power.  
“It’s a huge relief in this instance that the children involved were able to be identified and finally made safe but tragically this isn’t always the case. 
"This is a global problem and in order to reach those who are still suffering, governments and law enforcement agencies  need to work together to tackle this very complex issue."
Here's the full statement from DCI Peter Doyle, the senior investigating officer in the case: "This investigation has uncovered the most shocking and harrowing child abuse evidence I have ever seen.
"There is no doubt in my mind that Ian Watkins exploited his celebrity status in order to abuse young children.
"Today’s outcome ensures that the three people responsible have been brought to justice.
"The safeguarding of children has been the primary objective for the investigation team and the outcome of this investigation has been achieved through a multi agency approach at an international level.
"Two very young children have been removed from this abuse and given a future that would otherwise have been denied them.
"The investigation has been extremely complex and challenging with key information and evidence being identified from witnesses worldwide.
"A significant amount of electronic data has been retrieved from computers and web based storage which has provided crucial evidence to support the case.
"South Wales Police has worked in partnership with Interpol, other police forces, National Crime Agency’s CEOP command, local authorities in England and Wales, the Department of Homeland Security in the USA and the NSPCC.
"Today’s outcome does not mark the end of our investigations and we will work tirelessly to identify any other victims or witnesses and seek the justice they deserve.
"Above all this investigation has been focused on the protection of children and my thoughts today are with those victims."
South Wales Police have just released this picture of Ian Watkins.
Ian Watkins
Ian Watkins
South Wales Police
Here's an audio recording of the full CPS and police statements about the guilty pleas in the Ian Watkins case

Another line from DCI Doyle: "Today's outcome does not mark the end of our investigations and we will work tirelessly to identify any other victims"
More from DCI Doyle: "There is no doubt in my mind that Ian Watkins exploited his celebrity status in order to abuse young children."
DCI Peter Doyle, of South Wales Police: "This investigation has uncovered the most shocking and harrowing child abuse evidence I've ever seen."
We've just received this statement from the Crown Prosecution Service. Catrin Evans, Head of Complex Casework Unit for the Crown Prosecution Service, Wales, said: “The three defendants in this case have admitted very serious sexual offences committed against extremely young children, demonstrating sexual exploitation at its worst.
“A number of the victims are too young to be able to understand what has happened to them, yet the defendants exploited them for their own gratification.
“The prosecution case is based on robust evidence uncovered by the investigation team and the South Wales Police High Tech Crime Unit. The CPS team worked closely with the police to build a strong case and this has been a major factor in today’s guilty pleas.
“The CPS will not tolerate child abuse; tackling this unacceptable crime is a priority for all of us in the criminal justice system.
“We have recently issued new guidelines for prosecutors dealing with child abuse cases and are committed to supporting victims and bringing those who abuse and exploit children before the courts.”
During his opening speech, Mr Clee said of the two female defendants: "Both, by their pleas, admitted they have sexually abused their own children at the behest of Ian Watkins.

"They also made their children available to Ian Watkins to be sexually abused."
Watkins and the two female defendants will all be sentenced on Wednesday, December 18.
Prosecutor Christopher Clee's opening remarks about Ian Watkins: "Ian Watkins was the lead singer of a successful band, The Lostprophets.

"He also, by virtue of his plea, accepts he is a determined and committed paedophile.

"He has engaged in serious sexual offences against two babies belonging to the female defendants in this case.

"Not only has he done so but he recorded and kept episodes of this abuse which were recovered by the police."
The court is now hearing details about the case relating to Ian Watkins that are too graphic to be published.
The court has been hearing how Watkins recorded the attempted rape of a very young child in a hotel room in Shepherds Bush, London, in April 2012. He also filmed himself abusing the child alongside the child's mother inside a hotel where the band were staying.
You can see a summary of the charges to which Ian Watkins has admitted here, as proceedings continue against the former Lostprophets frontman at Cardiff Crown Court.
In court, prosecutor Chris Clee QC has described Watkins as a "determined and committed paedophile".
Watkins, with his hands clasped in front of him, rocked back and forth as he also admitted sexually assaulting a child aged under 13.

He also admitted aiding and abetting a female co-defendant to sexually assault a child under 13.

The singer, who has sold 3.5m records, looked at his feet as he admitted conspiracy to rape a child aged under 13, while his voice faltered as he quietly replied "guilty" to a charge of conspiring to sexually assault a child under 13.

He also pleaded guilty to possessing an indecent photograph of a child between August and December last year, a further charge of possessing four indecent photographs of children between August and December last year, and another charge of possessing five indecent images of children between last August and last September.

He also pleaded guilty to two counts of taking indecent photographs of children dating back to 2007 and 2008.

Watkins also admitted possession of indecent photographs of a child and possessing extreme pornography depicting a person engaged in a sex act with an animal.

The musician, from Pontypridd, will be sentenced at a later date.

A 21-year-old woman, who cannot be named, admitted aiding and abetting an attempted rape, aiding and abetting rape, two counts of sexually assaulting a child aged under 13 years, taking indecent photographs of children and distributing indecent photographs of children.

A 24-year-old woman, who also cannot be named, pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a child aged under 13 by penetration.

She also admitted charges of sexually assaulting a child under 13 by touching, conspiracy to rape a child under 13, conspiracy to sexually assault a girl under 13, two counts of indecent photographs of a child and distributing indecent photographs of children.
Ian Watkins has pleaded guilty to a range of child sex charges, including two counts of attempting to rape a baby.

The 36-year-old rock star also admitted conspiring to rape another child as he dramatically changed his pleas on the day he was set to stand trial at Cardiff Crown Court.

His two female co-defendants also admitted a string of sex abuse charges against their own children.

Sally O'Neill QC, on behalf of Watkins, said while the musician claimed he "cannot remember" the attempted rapes - which were captured on video - he wanted the charges put to him again.

Watkins, who stood in the dock wearing a grey suit over a white shirt and dark tie, appeared ashen-faced as the charges were read out.

As the counts were put to him, Watkins repeatedly looked to his legal team as he replied.

He denied two counts of raping an 11-month-old baby but admitted two counts of attempting to rape the child - the baby of one of his co-accused.

Ian Watkins has pleaded guilty to 13 sex offences - including two of attempting to rape a baby
The latest from our reporter in court:
Just a reminder - the legal teams are due back in court at 2pm, so we should be able to give you some indication after that about how things are likely to proceed this afternoon.
Proceedings have now been adjourned until 2pm. We should be able to bring you some more details after that.

odesk কাজ করতে চান? কি শিখবেন? কিভাবে শিখবেন?

ফ্রিল্যান্সিংয়ের মাধ্যমে আয় করা এখন যে আর কাল্পনিক কিছু নয় সেটি ইতিমধ্যেই প্রমাণিত হয়েছে। হাজার হাজার ছেলে মেয়ে এখন ফ্রিল্যান্সিংয়ের সঙ্গে যুক্ত। এ কাজটি করার মাধ্যমে তারা নিজেকে স্বাবলম্বী করে তুলেছে সেই সঙ্গে দেশকেও এগিয়ে নিয়ে যাচ্ছে অর্থনৈতিক সমৃদ্ধির পথে। অনলাইনে বেশ কয়েকটি ফ্রিল্যান্সিং প্ল্যাটফর্ম রয়েছে তন্মধ্যে ওডেস্ক রয়েছে সবার উপরে। ওডেস্কে প্রতিদিন বিভিন্ন বিষয়ের উপর হাজার হাজার কাজ জমা পড়ছে। আর সে কাজগুলি করেই বিভিন্ন বিষয়ের দক্ষ ফ্রিল্যান্সারগণ নিজেদেরকে করে তুলেছে অর্থনৈতিকভাবে স্বাধীন। এ কথা থেকে সহজেই অনুমেয় যে ওডেস্কে কাজ পেতে হলে দক্ষতার কোন বিকল্প নেই।
কিন্তু এখন প্রশ্ন হচ্ছে আপনি কি কাজ করবেন বা কোন বিষয়ে দক্ষ হবেন। এটি আসলে নির্ভর করে কোন ব্যক্তির কোন বিষয়ের কাজ ‍করার যোগ্যতা রয়েছে। যেমন কোন ব্যক্তি যদি শুধু টাইপিংয়ের কাজ জানে তাহলে তার উচিত হবে ডাটা এন্ট্রির কাজের মাধ্যমে ফ্রিল্যান্সিং শুরু করা।তো বন্ধুগণ এমনিভাবে আজ আমরা আলোচনা করব ফ্রিল্যান্সিংয়ের সফল হওয়ার জন্য কী কাজ শিখবেন এবং সেটি কীভাবেই বা শিখবেন?

কাজ পাওয়ার জন্য কী শিখবেন

কাজ পেতে হলে কিছু বিষয় অবশ্যই আপনার আয়ত্তে আনতে হবে। তো চলুন দেখে নেওয়া যাক কী শিখবেন?
● ইংরেজীর গুরুত্ব নিশ্চয় আপনাকে বোঝানো লাগবে না। সুতরাং ফ্রিল্যান্সিংয়ে সফলতার জন্য ইংরেজী শিখুন।
● ৩) এরপর নিচের যেকোনটা  বেছে নিন , তবে যত বেশি জানবেন ততই লাভ,
ডাটা এন্ট্রির জন্য-অফিস প্যাকেজ, ওয়েব রিসার্চ, আর্টিক্যাল রাইটিং, ইউটিউব ডিটেইলস ইত্যাদি।
গ্রাফিক্স ডিজাইনিং এর জন্য- ফটোশপ, ইলাস্ট্রেটর,কোরেল ড্র, ইনডিজাইন শিখুন।
ওয়েব ডিজাইনিং এর জন্য-ফটোশপ, HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery,
ওয়েব ডেভেলপিং এর জন্য-HTML, CSS,পিএইচপি
কনটেন্ট ম্যানেজমেন্টের জন্য – ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস, জুমলা (ব্যাসিক ও আ্যডভান্স)

কাজ কীভাবে শিখবেন, কোথা থেকে শিখবেন?

● অনলাইনে যেকোন কাজ আপনি খুব সহজেই শিখতে পারেন বিভিন্ন টিউটোরিয়ালের মাধ্যমে। টিউটোরিয়াল খুজে পেতে গুগলের সহায়তা নিন।
●  ভিডিও দেখে শিখবেন। ইউটিউব ছাড়াও লিন্ডা ইত্যাদির ভিডিও টিউটোরিয়াল রয়েছে। বাংলায় আল-হেরা মাল্টিমিডিয়ার ভিডিও টিউটোরিয়াল দেখেও শিখতে পারেন।

কিছু স্যাম্পল কাজ আগেই করে রাখুন

আপনি কোন কাজ করতে পারেন সেটি বায়ারকে শুধু মুখে বললেই তো আর কাজ পাওয়া যাবে না। বরং ঐ ধরনের কিছু কাজ আগে থেকে করে রেডি রাখুন এবং বায়ারকে দেখান। তবে আপনার কাজ পাওয়ার সম্ভাবনা বেড়ে যাবে। তাছাড়া বাংলা প্রবাদটি তো আপনারও জানা যে “শুকনো কথায় চিড়া ভিজে না”।

কাজ পাওয়ার পূর্বশর্ত

ফ্রিল্যান্সিং ই এখন অনেকের মূল পেশা। আবার অনেকেই রয়েছেন অল্প কিছুদিন কাজ পাওয়ার চেষ্টা করে কাজ না পেয়ে হতাশাগ্রস্থ হয়ে ফ্রিল্যান্সিং-ই ছেড়ে দিয়েছেন।বিপরীতভাবে অনেকেই রয়েছেন যারা ধৈর্যের সাথে নিয়মিত চেষ্টা করে গেছেন এবং পরবর্তীতে কাজও পেয়ে গেছেন। এখন তারাই সফল ফ্রিল্যান্সার। সুতরাং একজন সফল ফ্রিল্যান্সার হতে হলে আপনাকে অবশ্যই নিম্নোক্ত কিছু বিষয় মেনে চলতে হবে।
● আপনাকে আত্মবিশ্বাসী হতে হবে। খুব সহজেই হতাশাগ্রস্থ হয়ে পড়া চলবে না।
● আপনি যে ধরনের কাজ করতে চান সেসব কাজের কিছু স্যাম্পল আগেই তৈরী করে পোর্টফোলিওতে রাখতে হবে।
● আপনার দক্ষতাগুলি প্রকাশ পায় এমনভাবে সুন্দর একটি কাভার লেটার তৈরী করতে হবে।
● আপনি যে ধরনের কাজ করেন সে কাজের নিত্য নতুন ট্রেন্ডের সঙ্গে পরিচিত হতে হবে এবং সেগুলি শিখে আপনার আয়ত্তে রাখতে হবে।

আগে কাজ করুন, টাকা এমনিতেই পাবেন

আমাদের দেশ থেকে এখন লক্ষ লক্ষ ফ্রিল্যান্সার ওডেস্কে কাজ করছে এবং কোন ঝামেলা ছাড়াই তাদের টাকা হাতে পেয়ে যাচ্ছে। সুতরাং টাকা পাওয়ার ব্যাপারে দুঃচিন্তা না করলেও চলবে। তবে আপনাকে যেটি নিয়ে চিন্তা করতে হবে সেটি হচ্ছে বায়ারের রেটিং এবং কাজটি কিভাবে পাওয়া যায়। কারণ বায়ারের রেটিং ভালো হলে টাকা পাওয়ার ব্যাপারটি নিয়ে বিন্দুমাত্র ঝামেলার আশঙ্কাও নেই। আর কাজটি পেয়ে আপনি সঠিকভাবে করে দিতে পারলে পেওনার, মানিবুকার, চেক, ওয়ার ইত্যাদি অনেক উপায়েই আপনি টাকা তুলতে পারবেন। সুতরাং টাকা কিভাবে পাবেন সে চিন্তা না করে বরং কোন কাজ কীভাবে পাবেন এবং সেটি কীভাবে করবেন সেটি চিন্তা করাই হবে বুদ্ধিমানের কাজ।
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Honda unveils new version of sedan 'City'--honda city

Japanese car maker Honda on Monday unveiled the all new version of sedan 'City' in India as a part of plans to strengthen its position in the country.

The company, which unveiled the car globally on Monday, will start selling the model to be available both in petrol and diesel variants in India from January next year.

"The all new fourth generation Honda City, which would be available in both petrol and diesel versions, will take the legacy of the car forward," Honda Motor Co Managing Officer Yoshiyuki Matsumoto told reporters here.

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